First Time

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hey my loves!! I'm getting some good feedback which is making me very happy! I'm trying to upload as much as possible. I'm going to make the next few chapters really good. Keep voting and commenting! Thanks so much. Xoxo.



I woke up and looked over to see Lex still sleeping cuddled onto my chest. I couldn't help but smile. She looked so beautiful without her makeup on and in my eyes she was just so perfect. I planted a very gentle kiss onto her lips and I watched her scrunch her nose. she opened her eyes slowly and smiled.

"Come on baby we better get going. I want to take you to L.A. I can't wait to show you my house out there."

"Okay. Are you sure you don't mind all the paparazzi that's in L.A. Seeing us..." she said drifting off.

"I don't mind! I want the world to know about us and besides we got to get out there because in a few days we will start making the video."


I got up and got my stuff together so I was prepared to stay at Trey's for about 2 weeks. We left the house and got to the airport to get on Trey's private jet. His lifestyle could sometimes get me overwhelmed. I'm not used to all of this because I've never been rich like him. I'm trying so hard with my modeling career and that's all that matters to me.


we got to L.A. and it is the most beautiful place I've ever been too. I've only been here a few times in my life for some photoshoots so I'm not used to being here for awhile and the scenery always amazes me. Trey put on some glasses and put his hood up because he hates being noticed all of time and he wants us to be able to be alone without being bothered by paparazzi. but of course that always fails. Before you know it there were so many paparazzi in our faces taking pictures of me and Trey. We ran as fast as we could and got into the car as Trey drove to his house.

"I love what I do and I love doing it all for my fans but damn the paparazzi is the worst part."

"Yeah I can see that." I chuckled.

it took us about 10 minutes and Trey pulled up to a gated community. He pressed the button to be let in.

"How can I help you?" Said the speaker.

"Yo, Chris, it's me Trey open the gates."

"Of course, sir." The speaker said.

"Who's Chris?" I asked.

"My security guard." Trey stated.

The gates opened and we started driving down this long driveway and it felt like it was taking forever just to get to his house. There were a bunch of trees and there was a beautiful pond with swans around the community. We finally started to pull up to the house and my jaw dropped. I've never seen anything like it in person. It was the biggest house ever and I felt like I could get lost in there!

Trey opened my car door for me and it helped me with my stuff as he showed me around.

We walked in and there was the most beautiful chandelier hanging above me. There was a set of two staircases, one on each side, and I felt like their were about 1 million rooms in this house. There was a room with a pool table and there was a movie theater room and there was an arcade room and there was even a basketball court, in his house!

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