Strike 3

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11 months later...

"Now, as promised, here's my sit down interview with Les Misèrables star Aaron Tveit about life after Les Mis, his career and his two loves, broadway and his fiancé, Candace Barnes." said Julianne Moore as the screen panned to her interview with Aaron. Candace turned to Aaron, her eyes curious, "you never told me about THAT part of the interview" she said as they watched it, snuggling in a blanket in Aaron's couch in the dark. He just put his arm around her and smiled as they continued watching.

"So, I hear you're off the market" Julianne says, a glimmer in her eyes. While watching and doing the interview, he smiles. The screen shows a photo of Aaron and Candace taking a stroll in Central Park. they were both in Trench coats, holding hands as Candace speaks on the phone. They zoom in on her left ring finger with was banded with a silver engagement ring. Aaron nods, "yes, that's true" he says.

"Tell us, which was harder, asking Candace's parents for her hand or asking HER?"

"definitely asking Candace." He laughs

"Why is that?"

"Well, she's not very fond of surprises, I'm not really sure why. But she just is. And this was gonna be a HUGE surprise. So I was scared, I mean like, would she like it? How would she react?"

"How DID she react?"

"She smiled. Really widely. Then she said yes. And when I slipped it on, she started crying. But I'm not sure if they were tears of joy or embarrassment cause I was so nervous that I put it on the wrong finger" he laughed, blushing a bit.

"Was there ever a time that you thought that you'd have to pick between your two loves; Candace or Broadway?"

"Well, see, to me, Candace is a big shot musical director. I mean, you'll complement her on it and she'll be all modest and shrug and she'll say, 'it doesn't feel like a job' with a smile. That's what's great about this whole thing" he smiled, "the only reason why people say their job doesn't feel like a job is because they're so passionate about it. She was a musical director for The Lion King and now she's actually working on Aladdin, which is really cool. She didn't hesitate jumping into Aladdin because she's got the same passion for it as I do with my job. And from there, I guess I was sure that if I married her, I'd never have to pick between the two."

As the show finished and the two had headed to Aaron's room for a night's rest, Candace sighed, sitting up for a moment to look at her engagement ring. "What?" Aaron said, coming out of the bathroom and climbing into bed and seeing his fiancé looking intently at the engagement ring.

She turned to him and smiled, "nothing" she said.

He took her hand, lightly stroking it before pressing it to his lips and pulling her close. "This was my grandmother's" he whispered as they both looked at it, "I don't mean to sound like Andrew from Princess Diaries 2, but I just thought it'd be lucky for us."

"I can't believe it" Candace sighed, "give it a year and I'll officially be a Mrs."

"A Mrs. Candace Tveit, that is"

"A Tveit. I'll be a Tveit and instead of telling people how to spell Barnes, I'll be telling them how to pronounce my new surname." She said excitedly

"And if ever we have kids" he said, "we'll be painting their rooms and working our jobs and going on picnics"

"And growing old together."

"Like Carl and Ellie" he smiled as they lay together in the dark, "except we'll be Caaron and Candie"

Candace snuggles closer to him, feeling his toned chest rise and fall unevenly from laughter.

"Promise me" she whispers, "that nothing's gonna change us while you're away and while I'm preparing for Aladdin. Promise me that we'll be like Carl and Ellie."

Strike 3 (Aaron Tveit)Where stories live. Discover now