Chapter 14.

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Later that night Autumn, Alex and I were watching a movie in my room. They wanted to watch the Minions trilogy. I accepted because I felt like I haven't been spending much time with my younger siblings. It's weird to say that, "younger siblings." I was always the youngest but now I have two three year old siblings. I don't think they fully understand they have another older sister besides Rosie, I know they know who Rosie is since she was living here when they were born. They were born the day she graduated high school. So Demi and Wilmer weren't there to see her graduate. No one from our family was there actually.

"Lil Lil," Alex whispers. That's what Alex calls me.


"Why are mommy and daddy fighting?"

I frown. They're fighting? How does he know?

All of a sudden I hear something shatter downstairs. Autumn yelps a little and curls up in a ball on my bed.

"Go lay in my bed okay?" I tell Alex.

Before I leave my room I watch Alex crawl in my bed and curl up next to Autumn. How cute.

I sneak out of my bedroom and hide behind the hallway wall. I then hear arguing.

"She's going to split us up Demi!" Wilmer yells at his wife.

"Oh like we weren't going to split up anyways. With or without her!" Demi shouts back.

"No. It's Lily's fault! She's the one who ruined our relationship. Ever since she was born!"

My mouth opens in shock. But I was always daddy's girl... why did he pretend to love me for twelve years of my life? I never did anything bad as a child.

"Shut up Wilmer. You loved that girl more then you loved anyone else in this damn house!"

"Maybe you're right, but she left us and she became happier. We became happier. Everyone but Rosie. But you see my point, we were all happier with out each other." He sighs.

I see Demi cross her arms and shake her head, as she's about to say something I walk into the conversation.

"I was the farthest from happy Wilmer! I lost my parents, who the fuck would be happy?" I stomp my foot to add a more dramatic sense.

Demi's eyes grow huge, turning around to see me there with probably an angry expression written all over my face.

"You made her cry you jackass." She mutters staring at the tall man next to her.

"I'm not crying." I roll my eyes. I then feel a tear trickle down my face. Since when was I crying?

"Maybe if she wasn't eaves dropping she wouldn't be crying right now!" He growls coming towards me.

I cower backwards hitting the wall. I watch Wilmer get closer and see Demi screaming and shouting for Wilmer to get away. I slide down the wall and curl up into a ball up against the wall. Tears slide freely down my face.

"Why do you hate me!" I cry out covering my face for protection.
When I look up I see Demi and Wilmer standing feet away from me, crouching down in front of me to see if I'm okay. What the?

"Go away." I mumble pushing them both out of my way so I can make it to the bathroom.

Walking to the bathroom I notice the walls start to change colors and objects start showing up that wasn't there before.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror to see an almost seventeen year old mess. I look down to splash water on my face.

When I look back up there's another person's reflection in the mirror. I shutter and turn around to see no one standing behind me, yet the person is still in the mirror.

They have long caramel hair and their face is covered in make up. Across her cheek is a long scratch mark. She's beautiful except her whole body is green and scaly and she has a batted up blue dress on.

"W-Who a-ar-are yo-you?" I stutter.

"I'm you except I'm the evil and better looking you." They hiss.

I cower. They're right, except their skin is not the most attractive. I mean green scales? Come on.

I open the cabinet and pull out my schizophrenia pills and swallow the amount I need. I then brush my teeth because I hate the after taste of the pills.

When I look in the mirror again there is no green scaly monster anymore. Kind of glad, that thing left, it might have fucked with my mind if I didn't take my pills. I'm not sure if it will show up again or if it won't. I guess that thing will always be by my side every time I'm late on taking my medicine. And I have a feeling the realness is only going to progress over time.

I know it's not real after I take my pills but before I take my pills, it just feels incredibly real. I feel like I have a mind of a child when it comes to hallucinations. Before my pills I see all the things I know aren't real except I forget they aren't real and I become incredibly scared. After it all disappears and I know it isn't real I then understand what just happened. It's incredibly weird.

I braid my hair and look in the mirror one last time before I leave the bathroom. I don't need that thing showing up again.

It's completely dark in the hallway and it seems that everyone is asleep. I decide before going back into my room I want a glass of water. It's always good to stay hydrated!

The only thing lighting up the kitchen is the little fridge light that is installed where you get water or ice from.

For some reason I look into the living room to see somewhere sitting there. Who the hell? Setting my glass down on the island I tip toe behind the couch and then continue to crawl and peer to the other side of the couch to get a better look at who's sitting there.

The person is just sitting there, staring at nothing. What even..

I can't tell who it is since it's too dark to make out their features. It seems to be that the person fell asleep with their eyes open.. weird.

I get up to go finish drinking my water and then head to my bedroom. Finishing my water I turn around and face the living room only to see that no one is sitting on the couch anymore.

My eyes pop out of my head as confusion and sacredness fills my body.

"Who's here?" I whisper staring in to the pitch black room.

I am beyond terrified right now. I know for a fact there was someone sitting on that couch. But they're all of a sudden gone? And I didn't hear them get up and leave? This is scary as fuck.

All of a sudden the kitchen lights turn on. I turn to face the light switch and see someone standing there.


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