That Sounded So Wrong

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(A/N: authors note at the end, read it you want a dedication for no reason)

I hurt everywhere. My lungs burned as I tried to keep in time with the other cheerleaders. My legs were going to collapse if this didn't end soon. I was seriously contemplating breaking my own leg to get out of this. I wonder how I'd do it....

"- And finish!" Jade yelled as we all did one final leap into the air and landed, grinning like idiot and smelling like dogs. I was so sweaty. And I hurt like hell. Cheerleading was not as easy as I thought it would be. Finally it was the end of practice on Tuesday night and I so excited. Do you know why? BECAUSE I HAD A DATE WITH JAMES!!!

I ran away from training ,before any of the other girls could pull me back, and got changed in lightning speed. I drowned myself in deodorant, out on some makeup and made sure I put a mint in my mouth (just in case). I was just about to leave when a girl called Riley came up to me. She was on the cheerleading team as well and seemed like a really nice girl....well nicest out of the popular group.

"Hey Sam, here you go!" She said, handing over a piece of paper to me. It was pink (go figure) and had little heart all over it.

I looked down at it in confusion," Hey Riley...What's this?" I asked, opening it.

"An invite to my sleep over this weekend. All of the rest of the team are going and I thought it might be a good idea if you came so you can bond and we can get to know you better" She said, walking away when she saw Jade , to hand her one.

I walked out of the changing room, shoving the invite in my bag and began walking out the school gates. I got up the directions James had given me and began to walk to where James said we were meeting. When I got there the smell of vanilla and chocolate was floating in the air. An ice cream place?? that's where we were meeting. I had never been here before but James insisted that it was the best thing to help you cool down after a hard training session, and this training session had been particularly hard.

I took a seat in a booth nearby and texted James. Moments later he walked through the door. He had on jeans and a Hollister shirt that had been undone to reveal the white t-shirt underneath.

"Hey!" I greeted, suddenly feeling under dressed for this date in my joggers and long sleeve white top. Why hadn't I bought a better change of clothes, stupid!

"Hi" He said taking a seat in front of me," Have you ordered yet? Sorry I was late, coach made me collect the cones and put the balls away" He smiled warmly and I felt my belly flip. I cannot believe I was here ..with James. I was not popular and he was one of the most popular boys in school. It was unheard of but here I was!

"No I didnt order." I said smiling, trying to act calm. Why was I so nervous? I had been on dates before, admittedly with older guys or friends of Chrissy's but they still counted!

"See anything you like?" He asked, handing me a menu from behind him.

"um...." I skimmed the page," The vanilla extreme sound nice, know what it is?" I asked him.

"Yeah, its vanilla ice cream topped with butter scotch sauce and vanilla essence with crushed vanilla pods and chocolate chips on top. I get that every time I come here." He said happily.

We ordered and soon started doing chit-chat. Our ice cream arrived and I took a spoon full of mine.

"uhhhhhhhh!" I moaned, as the ice cream melted in my mouth," God it taste so good!"

Suddenly James burst out laughing. I looked over at him to see his eyes were filled with tears at how hard he was laughing," What?" I asked. Oh god, did i have it all over my face.

"That sounded so wrong!" He laughed. I covered my face with my hand in embarrassment. Oh God....that must have sounded terrible.

"What are you, twelve?" I laughed to hide embarrassment as he finally stopped snickering.

"It was hilarious" He said. We both looked at each other and a comfortable silence filled the air. We probably looked like idiot just smiling stupidly at each other.

We chatted for a while longer and ate our ice creams, I forced myself not to moan anymore.

Suddenly James brought up the topic of my little accident in the supply closet yesterday," so... um...what happened yesterday in that closet with you and Michael?" He asked, looking kind of serious.

"He tried to apologise but suddenly the bell went so he dragged me in a closet. I went to leave, fell over and back onto him and we both got covered in paint and glue" I said, trying to sound bored but I was kind of embarrassed. I was trying to forget about that.

"Oh!" He said, smiling in relief. What was that about?

"Why so relieved?" I asked him, curious.

He suddenly blushed and looked away," You're gonna think I'm an idiot" He said embarrassed," It kind of looked like you guys were getting it on in the closet. The lights were out, you were basically in his lap, you were both really guilty looking when the door opened. He had his hand on your leg...I just though...." He trailed off awkwardly.

I sat frozen for few minutes until I burst out laughing," Me and Michael! As if!" I think I was laughing harder than I ever had. I don't know why though, it wasn't even that funny. It was kind of like awkward laughing, but obviously James didn't notice and soon we were both laughing like crazy cats. How could he even think I'd get with him after all he's done to me?

By the end of the date my sides hurt so much that it hurt to breath and my mouth felt like it had been stretched like a rubber band from laughing so much.

James dropped me off at my house at around five and I couldn't help but smile like a mad women as I waved at him from on my porch as he drove away.

I went up the stairs and emptied out my bag. Riley's invite floated onto my bed. Would I go to her party? She had been kind enough to invite me, it would be rude not to go. I decided I would go but probably not stay the night.

My phone beeped and I had a spaz attack and grabbed it. It was a text.

Have fun on your date???

It was from the stalker/ thief again. I got kind of freaked out. Had that meant he had watched us? He might have even been in the restaurant. My stomach suddenly twisted with worry.

Give me back my phone!

I texted back. Immediately he replied.

No, I have plans for this. ;)

I decided to not text back after that. I was really getting kind of freaked out now though. I would tell my parents but then they would know I had lost my phone and the stalker would tell them about the incident in the closet....I decided that I had to find out who the person was...I just didn't know how I was gonna do that.

Another text came through but this one made me smile instead,

Had a great time tonight,

How about we meet up again next this Sunday to see a movie?


I smiled whilst texting him back.

Its a date xoxo

I went to bed that night dreaming of the date me and James were going to go on. Nothing could bring me down from cloud nine right now, not even that unnamed stalker.


Hey my little brunnies,

Two chapters in one day, im spoiling you guys:D

I wanted to just say that im looking for someone to dedicate this chapter to so if i havent already dedicated a chapter to you comment a reason below as to why you should get a dedication and i will pick a winner as soon as i find one which i think is funny enough.


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