1: The Beginning of Hell

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A hand jolts me awake. I slowly open my eyes and see my sister. Still in her Police uniform. I look at the clock. 1:23 AM. "You worked late again?" I ask. "Yeah. Some disturbances have happened." She tells me. Unholstering her gun and putting it in the drawer. "What kind of disturbances?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Nothing you need to worry about." She answers. I raise up and turn the Tv on. "Shouldn't you be in bed? You have an early shift, don't you?" She asks. "Jess. It's your birthday. I couldn't just forget about it and go to bed." I tell her. She scoffs while unbuttoning her shirt. "Speaking of your birthday, Sit down." I say, grabbing her hand and pulling her down on the couch. I grab a wrapped square box from under the table next to me. I hand it to her. "You didn't have-" I cut her off. "Just open it!" I say. She carefully tears off the wrapping paper and the brown leather box reveals itself. "Aaliyah! No you didn't!" She says, excitedly. She opens it and it reveals a heart locket. She opens the heart to find a picture of me and her. She puts on a big smile. "Be careful. If you smile to big your face will crack!" I say, dying out laughing. She punches my arm. "Your the best Sister that I could ever have." She says. "I know! I'm just the coolest and most loving Sister ever!" I say. Jess lays her head back and slowly falls asleep soon after. I lay down and also fall asleep.
I wake up to a loud static sound. I was in my bedroom. I look at my phone. 2:00 AM. I get up and look around. Did she pay the cable bill? I walk over and open my door. It creaks loudly. "Jess?" I say. I walk out and walk down the dark hallway. Her door was cracked open. The Tv on the news channel. A woman's voice yells into the camera. I open her door to find a messy bed and clothes threw across the room. "At 12:00 the CDC sent out a call stating that a Virus and spread across the United States. They said that it makes people act different. They also said that-" The news woman was cut off by a soldier. "Ma'am we need you to evacuate the premises!" He yells. "The soldiers are telling us to go offline! We suggest you evacuate! This is WRIB! We wish you the best of luck! Be saf-" A man tackles her. The cameraman drips the camera and I see a view of a man... Oh god! He's eating her? "Jess. Jess!" I scream. I run downstairs and then the house shakes and a loud BOOM echoes. I look out the living room window. A huge ball of flame shoots into the Sky. I scream for Jess again. I into her office. She wasn't here? I suddenly hear glass breaking. I gasp and head towards the sound. A man that was covered in blood was banging the window. The glass was breaking. What's going on? This is a dream! It has to be! The glass shatters and the man crawls in. He moans loudly. The glass cuts at him, but he doesn't seem to care. His stomach tears open and his guts fall out. I scream. This is a nightmare! He is still crawling in. I start to run but a hand grabs my foot. Another man! Bloodier this time. I try kicking him. I kick and kick. "Let the fuck go of me!" I scream. I fall over and the other man crawls on top of me. I punch him but it doesn't faze him. "Jess! Fuck! Fuck!" I scream. I feel a sharp pain in my leg. Then another one on my neck. "NOOOO!" I scream louder.

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