2: Alone

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           Bang! Bang! The two monsters stop moving and they go limp. I push them off of me and get up. Jess stands behind me with her gun pointing at the monsters. I run up and hug her. "Jess! Where the hell were you!" I cry. "Aunt Jade. She's... She's dead." Jess says. "What happened!?" I ask. "She was bit by those things and turned into one." She says. I sling my hair across the bite mark. "We need to evacuate. I have John coming to get us." She says, starting to walk out the door. John is Jess's partner and crush.
            I limp out the door. These bite marks were feeling weird. Jess said that Aunt Jade turned when she was bitten. I'm gonna turn too. I look down at my feet. I was losing blood in my leg and my neck. I hop into Johns car. He quickly drives off. Towards the city. "John what's going on?" I ask. "I don't know exactly. All I know is that a virus was released and made people start eating others. It's a massacre out there." He says. "Then why are we heading into town?" I ask. "Cause they have planes there. That's the only way out of this." Jess tells me. I look ahead and see a man and a child. "Hey! Hey! Stop! Please!" They yell at us. "John stop!" I say. "We can't. We have to keep going. Who knows who bit and who's not." He says. I look at my leg. I was putting pressure on it with a piece of cloth on the floor. I tie the cloth around my leg tightly. I need another one! I rip my sleeve and tie it around my neck and my underarm. I'm gonna be fine... I'm gonna be okay. I look outside the window and see the city. Building were on fire and they were collapsing from the explosions. We pull up to a whole line of cars. "Oh my god." I say as I see a whole bunch of people running from those monsters.
               "John! Step on it!" Jess yells. Before he could the window next to me shatters. A hand that's missing two fingers grabs me and slams my the car door. "Aaliyah!" Jess yells. I look around and see a long piece of glass still attached to the door. I reach back and grab the monsters hair. I push his head down and the glass stabs it's eye. It immediately go limp. John speeds off into the city. "John watch out!" I yell as a building falls above us. He goes faster and the building falls behind us. I look behind me and see a family get torn apart. The dad gets grabbed and the mom shoots him. Then she slowly turns the gun around on herself and shoots. I scream. "What the hell!?" I cry. "John! Go left!" Jess yells. He turns but we run into a dead in. "Back up!" I yell. He reverses and I see bright headlights. "Jess!" I scream. The car slams into us. Making us flip. My head hits the glass and I go black.
              "Aaliyah! Aaliyah! Come on please wake up!" I hear a faint voice say. Then everything becomes loud and my vision clears. The car was fully flipped and in its top. Jess grabs my arm and pulls me out of the nearly crushed car. "Ow!" I cry in pain. "What's wrong?" She asks. "My leg. It's either spring or broken." I tell her wining everything I try to walk. It was my bit leg too but I couldn't tell her that. She picks me up and she runs up to John. "We need to get outta here now!"  She yells. "Follow me." He says running off. Jess runs with me in her arms. I see the local candy shop that everybody loved. It's was burning and Allan, the owner, was on fire and then gets shot by someone. I look away. I look behind us and see those things chasing after us. "Behind us!" I yell. She looks and runs faster. I hear a BOOM! The gas station exploded and cops were on fire or dead. "Where's John?" Jess asks. "I don't see him." I tell her. "Jess! Aaliyah!" I hear a voice. Jess starts running into an alley. "This leads to the bar and that leads to the planes." John says. I look behind us. The monsters were still chasing us. John was shorting in front of us and I see the bright sign of the bar. "Jess get in." John says. "Your not coming with?" She asks. "No I'm staying here so I can keep them off you." He says. I look behind us. "Guys they're coming!" I yell. "Jess go. Now." He demands. "Shit. You better make it." Jess says. "I promise." He says. He's runs us in the bar and John closes and locks the door from the other side. Jess sits me down on a chair and barricades the door.
               "Stay here." Jess says. She walks into a room and disappears. I take the bandages off and the bites look worse. I feel a little hazy. I hear a scream and then a gunshot. "Jess?" I yell. "Aaliyah! I'm... I'm fine." She says, coming out. She holds her arm and I see blood. "Your bit." I say. She nods. "Then we will die together." I tell her, showing her my two bites. The door suddenly busts open. Those things run in and Jess quickly grabs me and we run out the back door. "They are in front of us." She says. "We are surrounded?" I ask. "Brave yourself." She yells. She jumps down a long hill and we tumble down. I hit the ground hard. I look and see Jess lying on the ground. "Jess come on." I say. I grab her arm and limp to a little shack. This was a construction place. They were building a waterpark. I was looking forward to it. Now I won't be able to even look at one again. I open the shack door and I sit Jess leaning against the wall. I sit beside her. "Aaliyah. I love you." She says. I could see her slowly turning pale.  "I love you too." I tell her. "No matter what happens... We will get to see Mom and Dad." She says. "They'll be happy to see us." I tell her. "Yeah they will." She says. She's starting to drift off. Why am I not feeling any of this? Her breathing starts to go even. She's asleep. I kiss her forehead and I drift off.
          I wake up to a loud growling. I look over and see A pale Jess. I raise up. "Jess? Jess." I say, worriedly. She growls louder. Her head moves and she's changed. Foam dripping out of her mouth. Her eyes bloodshot and her skin was veiny and pale. "Jess! No." I say. I get up but immediately fall. She jumps on me. "Jess stop please!" I yell. I kick her off me. I get up again and she runs for me. I kick her away and then I cry in pain. My leg! I look around for something to hit her with. Maybe I could knock her out! I see a pole and grab it. She looks at me and then growls. Her legs start to move and then I shove the pole into her stomach. She doesn't seem bothered by it. The head! I grab the pole and she comes at me again. I dive past her. I look at her belt. The gun. "Jess I don't want to kill you. Please don't make me!" I tell her. Is he runs for me and I hold her back with the pole. I reach my hand and grab her gun. "I love you Jess. So much. I'm sorry." I say. I pull the trigger and the bullet hits her forehead. She flys back and lands in the floor. I drop everything and collapse in front of her body. Tears flow from my eyes as I look at her. I crawl to her side and hold her in my arms. I cry into her shirt. "Why? Why did you make me do it?" I say. I look at her neck. My necklace. I Unlatch it and put it around my neck. I open it and see her. "I won't forget you." I tell her.

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