Chapter Two

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Angelo's POV

  Janellys is scared of life. She's been through so much I want to be there for her when she's down. She doesn't get it. She continues to be distant, really doesn't even try. Unlike a lot of guys out here that don't care about what has happened in a girl's past, I do. The only thing is I need her to let me care for her. That's not going to be easy to get her to either. She's difficult.

  We get to my house after me and Devon fought with her for hours. Then to wait for her to get ready. By the time I got home it was late. My mom started talking to me like she was feeling some type of way. "Why did you come back so late?" She looked at me with concern as she looked passed me at Janellys. "And who is that?" "That's Janellys, that's the girl I told you about." "Where is she from?" "Ma don't judge, she's from the southside."

  I know Janellys is thinking hard. She has everything in her mind right now I can feel it. I know she thinks my mom is judging her, and my mom is.

"Ma this is not the time for this." "I know it's not but anyways. Janellys welcome to my home and enjoy the party." My mom walked away when she finished speaking. I felt the awkwardness in the air. I know Janellys doesn't want to be here. "Um so what now?" She asks me with this awkward look on her face. "Just enjoy yourself, don't worry if they look at you some type of way they just don't know you yet." "Well you could have told me to wear something more appropriate than this" she waves her hands in a up and down motion. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." I say walking to the back and go outside while she follows me, "Does your parents know what you do for a living?" "Not exactly, they think I work in a car shop." "A car shop? Are you serious right now?" "So serious, if they knew what I really do they'd probably throw me out." "So you play the good boy card." "Yeah something like that."

  After hours of talking and hanging out with my family the party is over. To think about it my family actually likes Janellys. Even though they didnt from the start but they'll get used to her.

  A couple weeks go by, me and Janellys hang out on a regular day basis. I can see the change in her. She doesn't keep her distance, she always has a smile. I like seeing her with a smile on her face. She glows. It's new coming from her, after all that she's been through. I just want to make her life better.

  Today we going to chill at my friends house. She going to finally meet the crew. All that who I bang with. Hopefully she don't act some type of way around them, because she always gets quiet around new people. It pisses me off to be honest. But I'm on my way to her house. I just chill with Devon and Trey out in the living room. "Where y'all going today?" Trey blurted out. "We going down where my peoples at." "You taking my sister to the other side of the Southside. You better keep and eye on her." Devon looked at me with a serious face. "It ain't safe over there." Trey added. "I know but she going to be with me, she going to be safe. I ain't going to let anything or body hurt her." I laughed seriously. "Ain't nobody hurting my baby girl." She came out the room, "you ready?" She smiled. "Yeah, are you?" "Yeah, just let me do something first" she says as she walks into the kitchen. Devon went into the kitchen after her. "Janellys you better be careful." Devon said with a serious look on his face. "What are you talking about D?" She said back confused. "Angelo taking you to the lower Southside. I don't care if you going to be with FSK or not, you need to be careful down there." "Okay D I am, I mean I will. I'll be careful." She took her pills and grabbed water. As she walked out the kitchen Devon grabbed her arm to stop her. "I'm serious and you better call me to check in. I'm not playing with you Jay." She pulls away and looks at him. "I will now can I leave?" She walks out to the living room, "Angelo let's go." I get up and dap up Trey and Devon, we leave out the house and get in my car. "Devon be tripping me out man." Janellys blurted out. "What happened?" "He was in there telling me oh 'you better be careful and call me to check in' like man I ain't got time for you to play daddy day care with me. Let me do me." She put her seatbelt on and I put mines then take off. She sits there staring out the window the whole time. "What's wrong?" I tap her on her thigh. "Oh nothing I'm fine." "Your lying what's wrong?" She looks at me. "Angelo I'm fine, it's nothing I promise." "I hate when you do that." "If there was something wrong I wouldn't have been in this car." "Your staring out the window, not talking. So there's something wrong." "Exactly I'm staring out the window that's it. Nothing more now stop talking about it and drive," She slaps her thigh in anger. "If you say so." "Yup if I say so." She looks back out the window.

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