Chapter 19

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  • Присвячено Everyone who's still bothering with me! x3 I WUV YOU!


I am REALLY trying to get this done, my past few report cards have been horrible, and I'm trying to make a change to them. And i did. Then what did I do? I messed up the scores on one of my best (surprisingly) subjects. Maths. GAAAH!!! I HATE THIS! NOTHING GOES RIGHT!

Now instead of blabbering about my life I'll just get on with this, thanks for waiting and i'm soo sorry!!


Ed, Winry and Erika are 18, Al is 17 almost 18, Aiden is 13 almost 14, and Tristian is 8.



Yep. Ed thought. It's official. I think I'm in love Erika James.

Erika's POV


At first, I heard beeping... it was sort of steady...Then, I started to open my eyes, I felt something shift in bed when I realized something - this didn't feel like my bed... It was rather uncomfortable and definitely not as big. 

I tried to turn my head but for some reason I couldn't...

Ok, try to keep opening your eyes... I finally opened them - and saw white. Plain white, everywhere. I'm... dead?

I felt someone squeeze my hand, I looked down... Ed!! Nope, now I know I'm not dead... So... you know... I squeezed back... slightly, I mean, I still wasn't able to do much. Hell! I couldn't even turn my head!

"Mhm..." He woke up, "Eri? ERI! YOU'RE AWAKE! NURSE! ERIKA'S AWAKE!!" He looked back at me and smiled, "Thank god! I'm so glad you're awake! We thought you were a goner!"

I started regaining my strength as the nurse walked in. "Ok, we'll just run some tests, keep her an extra night, and she'll be good to go." She said, while moving some wires and taking the tube out of my mouth.

Ed thanked her and she left.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"About a week I think..."

"A WEEK?! What about Aiden? And Tris? How are they? Did something happened? Wait, what happened? how am I alive? What happened to-"

"Erika!! Calm down!!" Ed exclaimed, "Yes, a week. Aiden and Tristian are fine, nothing's wrong with them. They got me from the station and I ran back to ours when I saw your dad cornering you and hitting you on the head with a bottle. We managed to get you to the hospital and they saved you just in time. It's okay now, he's gone. He's at Central's prison..."

I blinked, taking it all in.

That all happened.

And I'm alive?


Well, everything turned out well, I suppose. "When can I see my brothers?"

"Everyone's coming by later today, I called them while the nurse was running the tests."

"Oh... ok..."

The nurse from earlier came in, she smiled at me and said, "It seems everything is in good order. The tests went fine, and all your results are okay. But there's one thing I should inform you. An extra test was taken by the doctors earlier this week, but it was undetected and well..."


So uhh... evil? mean? You want an update? x3

No problem, I promise you and I never break my promises, that I will update this Tuesday or Thursday with answers!

now remember:

Vote & Comment!

and if you really wuv me can you fan? x3

Nah jk, I'm not pressuring anyone to anything!


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