Chapter Two

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—Ingrid's POV—

Ingrid suddenly awakes to the sound of a door closing. Her head feels as though someone banged her temples in with a hammer, but she still can't help but smiling when she sees the note that Hannah left her in the morning light.

It seems as though we may have been a bit risky with our whiskey last night. I'm taking Ollie on a walk and I'll bring back coffee from Muddy Paws on the way back. I have a question to ask you once I get back! I'm so excited!!

P.S. Make sure you drink the glass of water and take the Advil on the table the hangover will suck much more without it.

— Hannah

Awww it was so sweet how Hannah was taking care of her. Ingrid gluped down the water and the medicine while thinking about what Hannah could possibly have to ask her. Was something wrong? Did Hannah have feelings for Ingrid like Ingrid had feelings for Hannah? What could it possibly be? Ingrid began to freak out but decided that she should just wait to see what Hannah had to say instead of working herself up over nothing.

—Hannah's POV—

Hannah is just beginning to walk home with Ollie when her phone vibrates. Thinking it is Ingrid Hannah whips out her phone with a beaming smile on her face, but after seeing the big bold letters on her phone that spell out Swike, a name which fills Hannah with hatred and regret, the smile quickly fades.

Why is she texting me, Hannah thinks. What should she possibly want. I think she made it clear that our relationship is clearly over and I do not want to be dragged through the mud any longer.

S: Han can we please talk? I'm tired of this silent treatment.

H: Sarah what can we possibly have to talk about. We are done. I cannot keep falling for you to have my heart broken time and time again.

S: No! Han I love you so much, I can't believe that this is over.

H: Sarah. Stop. Its my turn to say no.

S: Han I can't believe you are doing this.

H: What I already fell in love with a straight obviously I've already done a couple of completely unbelievable things.

S: That was a low blow. You can't deny that we have something.

H: We had something. Now I think I have something with someone else.

S: Not that little beauty guru.

H: I'm sorry Swike. This isn't going to work out for me anymore. Have fun on your tour with IISuperwomanII.

Even though Hannah knew that it was over for her and Swike she still felt a longing in her heart as the texts had brought back memories of the good ole days. But those days were on behind her. Now she had Ingrid. Or at least a chance with Ingrid. At least that is what Hannah kept telling herself.

—Ingrid's POV—

Ingrid heard the door open and shut as the sound of Ollie and Hannah's footsteps were heard.

"Honey I'm home," Hannah said with a chuckle.

"One sec I'm cleaning myself up a little, I look like a mess after last night," Ingrid yelled.

"I'm sure you look gorgeous as always," Hannah replied.

Ingrid came out with a beaming smile on her face despite the horrible hangover that she had from last night's drinking. She couldn't help but be both excited and anxious for what Hannah had to tell her.

"Thank you for taking care of me Hannah. You really were really sweet."

"No problem dude anytime."

There was a moment of silence between the pair, but somehow it wasn't awkward at all it just felt right. Finally Ingrid's curiosity got the best of her and she decided to break into the silence.

"Uh...I don't mean to be forward or anything but you said you had something to tell me in your note. What was it?"

"Oh yeah that little thing," Hannah said trying to be as cool as possible. "I just wanted to know would want on my trip to France with me. Grace is bringing Chester and I just feel like after everything thats happened it would be fun for us to spend some time with each other in a different country with our friends. I mean that's if you want to of course. Fuck I'm babbling like a lot I guess I'm just kind of nervous about..."

"Hannah of course I would love to go with you," Ingrid says cutting off Hannah's babbling and chuckling because of Hannah's nervousness.

The two girls begin talking about their trip late into the night until Ingrid decides to go home and start packing, inviting Hannah to come over the next day so that they can pack together.  Ingrid was excited for what the trip might mean for their relationship but decided that she wouldn't push it because Hannah seemed to have a lot on her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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