Chapter 24

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Kristine's P.O.V.

After that little accident, I went to the café to just get a drink. And of course, I saw Bom Unnie there.

" Hey, Kristine-ah. What's wrong?" She asked as she took a seat at my table.

"I think I over reacted over something with my new friends I just met today." Unnie nods as I explain what had happened.

" Oh~. So they're boys?" She teased as she moved her eyebrows up and down right after I explained the whole thing. I was about to object and tell her to stop teasing me but some people interrupted me.

"WHAT?!" The voices screamed. We look over at people who were wearing disguises. It was obviously EXO since there were 12 of them.

" Kristine! What are you talking about? Boys?" I raise up my eyebrow as the hooded person came running to me. Judging by his height and big ears..... Chanyeol.

" Calm down. They're just friends. And why are you so surprised? Aren't we just friends too?" I asked as I watch Suho, Kris, and Chen face palm as the others have a weird expression.

There was a sudden awkward and sad aura coming from the boys while Unnie starts to laugh.

"Hah! I feel for you guys! Kristine-ah, your so..... oh my gosh." I send a confused gaze towards Unnie. What did I do?

"I don't get what's happening. I only said what is true. We are friends. We aren't anything else and I don't plan on becoming something more than that." Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Lay, Sehun, Kai, and Luhan, even D.O. and Xiumin, became even more depressed. What did I say? I don't get it.

" What's wrong with you guys?" They didn't answer. The other boys just shrug but I can see that the Pabo Maknae had an irritated face. WHAT IS GOING ON?!

"Unnie. I don't get it." Unnie giggles and just waves her hand, signaling that I should figure it out myself. I start to pout. I got my stuff and left.

Wow. What a nice way to get my mood up. It just made it worst. I don't get it. Why won't they tell me?! This is so frustrating!

I start to walk everywhere, not caring if I get lost or not.

It was cold and I was starting to get lost. I start to walk back, trying to find my way back but I keep going to the wrong way. I was getting scared because I felt people following me.

I make a sharp right and jump over the wall. I hide and wait for the stalker.

Few minutes later, I saw the stalkers. Yes, stalkers. But that wasn't the surprising part. The people who were stalking me were.....
































" Hyung! Where did Noona go?" V asked Rapmon who just shrugged. They all looked worried and concerned. Mostly Jimin.

" Hyung, I really wanted to apologize to her." Jimin said, dissapointment in his voice.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Suga suggested but Jimin was still sad.

"Lets go. Its getting late." Jin said as the others nod and start to walk away, except Jimin. He looked ahead, probably still looking for me.

" Noona...... I'm sorry. Really, really sorry. Please forgive me." He mumbled.

" I forgive you." He immediately looks around for the source of voice but then gives up when he sees no one.

" What was that? Am I hallucinating? Am I going crazy? No! That can't be! Pabo Jimin!" He lightly punches his own head. I giggle and that's when he finally notices me.

When he saw I was above him, he almost yelled so I quickly jumped down. I weirdly landed perfectly on his shoulders so he was basically giving me a piggyback ride. I cover his mouth and instead of a loud girly scream, only a muffled sound was heard. I let go when I noticed he was calm and I gently get off his shoulders.

" Noona? It was you? So you were the one who...... that means you forgave me?" I smile and nod. He starts to fist pump in the air and cheer like a child who just found his toy train.

" You know..... instead of stalking me around, you could've just waited until school to ask for forgiveness." He had a blank face on at first and then just shrugged.

" I wanted to ask for forgiveness today! I did something mean and I made Noona cry. I don't want to wait for the next day. Noona might not talk to me and I won't get the chance to talk to you when there is so much people." He explained.

" That's true..." Jimin smiles and hugs me. I was frozen in place.

" Noona.... please get comfortable with me. I want the both of us to be the best of friends! No matter what!....... Plus.. I don't want Jungkook or V to take you away because they will try by acting cute!" I smiled at his little statement and nodded which, I guess, surprised him.

" Really?" I nod and gently patted his fluffy hair.

"Then..... can I walk you to your house?" I smile at him and I suddenly showed a scary face.

"Don't think that I will let you follow me to my house so you can come over whenever you want! I won't let you walk me home because that will be like letting a stalker in my house!..... Wait!  You are a stalker! You and the other boys did follow me here, didn't you?" I didn't let him answer and just gave him a stern look. He nods and starts to walk straight ahead.

I walk behind him since that is also the way to my house.

Jimin smiles widely when he sees that I am still with him. He swings his arm around my shoulders and we start walking side by side together until we had to split up to go home.

We wave goodbye and I start walking back home.

I guess I have a new best friend!!

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