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If Autumn was going to be honest with herself, the only reason she agreed to go out on a date with Luke was so that she didn't have to be at her house.

She never had anything to do there and she didn't want to sit and think because she would think about the things she was restlessly trying to keep out of her head.

At around 6pm, Luke arrived at Autumn's house

She didn't get dressed up or anything because she just didn't have the energy.

Her outfit consisted of black skinny jeans and a band shirt.
Ashton had been the one who influenced her fashion - three years ago - and she still dressed the same.

As she opened the front door, she grabbed a jacket from the hook and quickly slipped her arms into the sleeves.

Luke was dressed in black jeans that had rips at the knees, a Nirvana shirt and a leather jacket.

He grinned at Autumn, taking her hand in his as she used her other to close the door behind her.

"Where are we going?" Autumn asked as her and Luke started to walk down the driveway towards his parked car.

With a smirk etched to his face, he looked over at her and said, "You'll find out...soon."


"My brother lives here," Luke told Autumn as he unlocked the door of an apartment to reveal a compact hall that merely consisted of a coat rack and wooden table.

Kind of confused at what sort of date this was, Autumn stepped over the threshold and slowly closed the door behind her.

Luke was already entering the living room, Autumn ambling close behind.

He went over to the nearest window and swiftly opened it.

"What are you doing?" Autumn questioned him bewilderedly.

"C'mon," He shouted, gesturing for her to follow him as he climbed out of the window.

Slightly apprehensive, Autumn made her way across the room, stopping when she reached the window.

"You can leave your bag inside," Luke informed her from the fire escape as he adjusted his shirt and brushed himself down.

Autumn placed her bag on the floor and exhaled, trying to prepare herself for what she was about to do.

Then, she swung her leg over, quickly followed by her other leg, and stood up on the fire escape outside.

Immediately, she backed against the brick wall, her pulse accelerating as soon as she caught a glimpse of how far above the ground she was.

"This is crazy," Autumn shouted, the sound of the traffic below made her voice barely audible.

She wasn't necessarily scared of heights - just scared of the falling part.

"You don't know me very well but I do stuff like this a lot," He laughed, grasping her hand and sending her a wide smile.

They gingerly walked a few metres to a ladder that led straight to the roof.

"Is there a different way? A safer way?"
Autumn gulped, after staring up at the towering ladder for several seconds.

"Yeah but this is way more fun," Luke chuckled, giving her an assuring smile.

"I will be right behind you so if you fall, I fall too," He pointed out, resting against the wall and folding his arms over his chest.

"That's reassuring," Autumn scoffed, drumming her fingertips on the metal and biting her lip nervously.

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