chapter 24- Adventure

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"Bek! Wake up!" Mitch lightly shook me awake. I rolled over so that I was facuing the other way and I heard Mitch groan. "Come on, wake up. We need to get going." I pulled my blanket higher up and covered my head. "No, wake up!" Mitch yanked the blankets from me and threw them onto the floor. I curled up into a ball and continued to ignore him when he scooped me up in his arms.

"Ugh, fine I'm up. I'm up." I grained as Mitch put me down so my feet were touching the floor. Once I was fully standing on my own, I turned to Mitch. "Okay, what's the plan for today? What do I need to bring?"

Mitch mocked him locking his lips with a key. "It's a secret, and you don't need anything. Dress casual!" He called over his shoulder as he left the room. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to the dresser. I had no idea what the weather was supposed to be like and I was too lazy to check it so I just went with the usual shorts and a T-shirt. I was looking for my socks when Mitch knocked on the door. "Are you almost done?"

"Yeah, almost. You can come in though, I'm good." Mitch walked in the door and sat on my bed while I continued searching for matching socks. "Oh, forget it. No one's going to see them anyways." I gave up and grabbed a blue sock and a green sock and put them on my feet. "You're wearing your contacts." I noted as I looked over to Mitch on the bed.

He nodded, "Yes I am. Is there a problem with that?" He tilted his head a bit to the side in confusion. I sat on the floor in front of the bed so I could put my shoes on.

"No, no problem, contacts are fine. I just think they look nice on you, that's all." I shrugged as I tied one of my converse. We were quiet as I tied the other. "Okay, what's next day planner?" I jumped up off of the floor and looked at Mitch.

"Do you want to eat breakfast here or go somewhere for breakfast?" Mitch stood up off of the bed and looked at me.

"It doesn't matter, I'm fine with either." I shrugged as I turned off the light in my room and walked over to Mitch's room with him. He grabbed his phone from his bed and I grabbed his camera from his dresser.

"Good, because in that case, I really want Timmy's so come on." We turned the light off in his room and walked down the stairs. "So, I'm guessing that you want to take the truck?" I nodded and gave him a smile. "You do know that my other car is cool too right? We can take that one..."

"Yeah, but your truck is cool. Plus, I just learned what all the buttons do." I smiled at him as he grabbedbthe keys for the truck.

"You're an idiot." Mitch laughed and shook his head at me. We walked outside and got in his car.

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot, idiot." I laughed as I buckled my seatbelt. Mitch rolled his eyes and started the car. I turned on the radio, Mitch was more of a playlist guy than a radio guy, but he didn't mind when I turned on the radio. We spent the car ride singing along awfully to the songs on the radio and laughing at each other. And every time we came to a red light, we had a mini dance party. I may or may not have recorded Mitch rock in out- and singing along- to some Taylor Swift. "We probably look insane." I laughed as I pointed at all the cars around us. We were stopped at a bigger intersection and we had been waiting for a while, so we started dancing again- getting some weird looks as we did so.

"Whoops, my bad." Mitch laughed with me as he turned up the music a little louder. I rolled the window down just a bit as Mitch started belting along with the top tracks on the radio. I gave him a look of surprise and a laugh and started to record him again.

By the time we got to Tim Horton's- but Mitch refuses to call it anything but Timmy's- I'm pretty sure we had pissed off every driver we drove by. "Are we using the drive through us time, or?" I asked as we pulled in. Mitch shook his head while he unbuckled.

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