chapter 27- music festival

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[Make sure to ask your questions in the Character ask while you still can! I will probably answer those tomorrow, so be sure to get your questions in!!!]

"So how was the concert?" I asked Mitch as we started walking from the car to the park. There was a local music festival going on not too far away from Mitch's town, so we decided to go. Mitch had gotten home earlier today from Ryan's and went straight to bed for a long nap. Apparently, they didn't get much sleep over there, they stayed up all night.

Mitch came over to me and walked besides me. We soon fell instep with each other as we walked towards the music. He smiled as he recalled the night before. "Is was so cool! So many lights, and the music was so loud, and they had-"

"So many screaming girls? Yourself and Brayden included." I finished for him with a smile. Mitch rolled his eyes and took his phone out of his pocket.

"It wasn't all girls, we saw a few other guys. Stop steping on my music taste." He laughed. "Here, I took some pictures, look." He handed me the phone and I scrolled though them as we kept walking. Selfie. Selfie. Selfie with Brayden. Brayden. Selfie.

"Did you take any pictures that weren't of you or Brayden?" I laughed, Mitch's cheeks reddened a bit as he scrolled past more selfies and got to the other pictures. There were pictures of the stage, of the arena, and of the crowd during the concert. "Well it sounds like you had fun." I smiled at him as I handed him his phone back.

"I did, but it would've been more fun if you would've went with us." Mitch hinted as he put his phone back in his pocket. We had reached the park, and were currently looking for a good spot to sit that was close to the stage so we could hear the music, but not so close that we couldn't hear each other.

"Let it go dude, it's in the past." I laughed as I followed Mitch to an open spot. We spread out the blanket that we had brought with us and sat down on it. "Besides, I had fun with Ella yesterday. Not counting the part where she kicked my butt in Just Dance." Mitch laughed as he took his phone and camera back out and set them on the blanket. I grabbed his phone and opened up the camera. "Smile for twitter!" Mitch turned and gave me a really cheesy smile. His eyes were closed and his smile was big. I went onto twitter and posted the picture.

MrMitch361- music festival with OrangeApple12 can't wait! :D

"I look so weird, delete it!" Mitch laughed as he read the tweet from over my shoulder. He tried to grab my phone but I pushed him away.

"No, it's cute. Besides, the fans love it." I laughed as I leaned against his chest, trying to push him away. Mitch wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned forward, so he was canceling out my act to push him away.

"Fine, I won't delete it. Just give me my phone." Mitch laughed as he took his phone from my hands. We sat back down, somewhat normally, and tried to ignore the stares that we were getting from the people around us. "Now it's my turn, smile!" Mitch held up his phone and I mimicked him, closing my eyes and smiling wide. "Ha ha, very funny." Mitch said in a monotonous voice

"Look, we look alike." I pointed at the pictures. We mostly looked alike since we were both wearing our glasses. Usually Mitch would only wear his glasses at home and then switch to contacts when we would leave the house. But since the aquarium, whenever we've gone out, he always kept his glasses on. Apart from the concert last night.

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