
211 10 4

A/n :

In case you're confused Dean never got cured by Sam so anything is season 10 didn't happen.

There are also a lot of death spoilers in this chapter... It's kinda of an important part of the chapter so idk what you'd do in a situation like this. I'm sorry.

***Deans POV***

Sam Winchester

Horrified, I stared at the name on the paper. Underneath his name there was a fine print which was also in fine gold lettering.

"Sam Winchester's deal was made on April 15th 2016."

That was a couple months after we went our separate ways...

"His deal: His soul would be collected in 4 years in exchange for Dean Winchester personally coming and collecting his soul when the time came. However, Dean Winchester must have a conversation with Sam Winchester before the soul can be collected."

Dammit Sammy, how did I not see this coming?

I asked myself, sighing at how idiotic he could be sometimes. He was willing to die, and at what cost? The though that maybe he could get me to try being good? Go to Cas? Get myself cured? Didn't he know none of that was going to happen?

I shook my head and decided to get this done and over with. I felt a sense of dread in my heart, which was weird because I don't have feelings. I sighed and teleported to Lawrence, which was apparently where Sam was.

How original

I found the impala outside of our old house.

How cliche is he going to be?

He still has that old car? God if I was stuck with that car, I'd get a new one. I don't know why I valued that car so much, after all, it's just a car.

I walked up to the door and knocked harshly. I could feel myself become slightly irritated when no one opened the door. I still didn't see the point of this.

I don't even care about the soul

I was about to turn and walk away when the door opened slightly to reveal none other than Sam Winchester. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of me. He opened the door quickly, pulled me in and before I could even register what was happening, I felt a slight pain in my side. I tried to move, but I couldn't.

Seriously Sammy?

"I thought we were supposed to talk" I said, sarcasm dripping like poison from my tongue.

"We are talking" Sam stated, "I just don't want you trying anything. I have something planned" Sam said.

"I'm not coming back Sam. You know that." I said impatiently.

"I get that, but at least sit through what I planned and if you still don't want to come, I'll let you go." Sam said.

I snarled and flashed my black eyes at him.

Looks like he really planned this

"Come on out" Sam said to no one I could see.

I hear footsteps and look up at the doorway behind Sam and see Charlie. She has a serious look on her face as she stood beside Sam. Next came Garth, he stood on the other side if Sam. I looked up and saw the last person I expected to see.

My mom.

"" I looked at them, my black eyes switching back to my green ones.

"I made a slight deal with death" Sam said sheepishly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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