The Gig

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Sollux's POV

"Hey captor I have a gig to night if you wanna come." Dave said.

"2ure, who2e all coming?" I asked.

"Pyrope, Vantas, Vriska, Harley, Egbert, both Lalondes, basically everyone we know." Dave said.

"Ok col iim iin." I said.

"The hardest part is getting Feferi to the club she's afraid of these things." Dave said.

"Hmmm ii wonder why." I said sarcasticly.

"I mean her ancestor is the condence so shouldn't she be all badass and stuff?" He asked

"Ii would think 2o but ii geu22 not." I said

"I mean we could invite her but I don't think she'll come." He says as he mess with his turntables.

"Ii don't know why don't you call ff." I say as I toss him my phone

He catches my phone and calls Feferi. "Hey fef I was wondering if you'd come to a gig with Captor and I.....really?....sweet.....yea I'm DJ....Cool C'ya later pixes." He hangs up."She's in surprisingly."

"Wow" I stayed shocked. "Ii diidnt think 2he'd come."

"Me netheir......" He says just as shocked as me.

"Well iif Roxy doe2 come 2he'll probably briing booze" I said full well knowing how she is.

"I'd rather have apple juice.* He said

"Yea me too." I agreed "2peakiing of do you have any on you iim kiinda thiir2ty." Dave checks his watch and does a double take."OH SHIT WE HAVE TO BE THERE IN LIKE FIVE MINUTES!!" He screamed "HERE!!!" He tosses me the juice and grabs his keys and starts running to his Porsche.

"Run fa2ter Dammiit!!!" I yellled at him.

"Well *pants* its not my fault*gasps* that I'm not athletic!!!!" He yells back

"Gog even ii can run fa2ter than you!!!" I come up behind him and scoop him up then I drop him in the drivers seat as I jump in the passengers seat "Jeez you 2low 2tiider." I say as I try to catch my breath in the passengers seat.He put the key in the ignition.

"Im a cool kid and cool kids hate to run."

"That2 never 2topped you before." I wink at him. He blushes and runs a red light.

"DUDE 2TRIIDER WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" I yell at him.

"SORRY" he yells at me.

"Fukiin 2hiit be more careful jeez" I tell him.

"Im not good under pressure" he tells me.

"2orry that2 probably my fault iil try not to dii2tract you anymore"

" just trying to get there on time."

"Well ii2nt there a shortcut you you can take?"

"Yea right here." He says as he turns in to an alleyway and pulls up to The club

Dave x Sollux {DaveSol}Where stories live. Discover now