Flushed? prt 1

571 15 4

Dave's Pov
I walk in to sollux's hive my hand still shielding my eyes. "H- hello?" I ask
"Oh hey 2triider your 2hade2 ate on my dre22er." He says not looking up
"Cool." I go to take a step then I trip over a bottle of fuckin apple juice. "God dammit." I half yell.
"Dammiit 2triider diidnt ii tell you before to be careful?!!" He says as he quickly gets up and holds his hand out for me to grab. I forget to shield my eyes and grab his hand to get up."Jeez 2triider you can be a clutz 2ometiime2." He pulls me up a little to hard and I end up in his arms. "Uhh 2orry." He quickly let's go and blushes a little.
"I-its okay."
"2triider, ii-iim 2orry." He says as he lays on his bed.
"For what?" I realise that my eyes were exposed."OH SHIT." I cover my face with my hands.
"For 2lappiing your a22 and anythiing ele2e ii miight have done to make you uncomfortable iit2 ju2t....never miind iit2 2tupiid." He lays back down on his bed.
"Its fine...I'm just easy to embarrass." I sit on the bed still shielding my eyes.
"Waiit why diid you 2ay 2hiit what2 wrong?" He sits up immediately.
"Plea2e tell me."
"...Captor........its nothing really...."
"Ok." He lays back down again. I sit next to him.
"You okay Captor?"
"........yea iim fine" He trys to get comfortable but almost falls off the bed in the process. I unsheild my eyes to catch him before he can fall. "Thank2"
"Welcome." I say shielding my eyes again.
"Why do you keep coveriing your eye2?"
"Honestly..... You don't wanna know...."
"And why not?"
"Ok never miind ii don't wanna pu2h you away like la2t tiime."
"Your not pushing me...."
"Your 2ure?" He looks over at me.
"If you wanna know you gotta find out."

Dave x Sollux {DaveSol}Where stories live. Discover now