Chapter 6

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Justin Pov:

Next morning i wake up to the smell of burned pancakes, wtf man i said to myself. I looked to my right to find (yn) sleeping beautifuly. I got up without waking her and walked downstairs that first thing i see is alfredo and Demi blowing out a fire. Wtf Fredo i scram i ran and got a bucket of water and spilled it over the pot. The fire finally went off......... Im sorry man. I truley am sorry i heared alfredo say over and over its cool ok just please dont cook at my house anymore i say.

Your Pov.

You went downstairs and asked Justin what was going on and he told you what had happend. Your jaw dropped at what you just heared. And then you started to crack up. Babe that isnt funny my house could have been burned down he said in a serious tone. Yeah your right you say. Thats not funny. Thanks he says. You walked towards Justin who was sitting on the couch and say on his lap. Hey giys we gotta go Alfredo said. Ok you reply. You and Justin said goodbye to Demi and Fredo and went back inside. You bith sat on the couch. Soo... You said. Yeah he replied. To kill the awkwardness you just jumped on hom and kissed him of guard.

You felt justin smile and grab your ass..

More tomorrow i promice .more than 2 chapters tomorrow :) but atleast 5 votes soi can post more than 3 .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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