Chapter 2 A wolf of wind

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Breeze rushed through the trees. He felt the wind fighting against his fur. When he thought he caught enough wind, he jumped skyward. Only the land on a branch 50 feet above. He howled with triumph. He had flew. With all his courage he leaped the the edge of the sturdy branch. He steadied himself before he jumped higher into the air. At this moment Breeze closed his eyes. He felt himself falling forward. With a big gush of wind he was launched skyward again. Breeze opened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw. Thousands of treetops, lush green. With the bright blue river.
I'm flying! He thought. It worked! Now they have to believe me! Breeze swooped downward joy swelling in his heart. He landed in the trees not a mile from his camp. He ran through the greenery excitedly finally he reach the clearing. His Alpha awaited on the rock looking quite angry. When he spotted Breeze he barked, "Where have you been?" He sounded so mad. Odd. Thought Breeze. He looked at Alpha. "You will not believe me sir!" He panted. Breeze started letting the words flow out of his mouth. He told Alpha everything. When he was finished the other patrol dogs looked at him like he was crazy.
"You flew?" Asked Alpha.
"Yes sir!" Said Breeze dipping his head.
Alpha closed his eyes.
"Wolves can't fly!" He said.
"But I did sir!" Panted Breeze.
"I'm sorry." Said Alpha. "I will not tolerate this nonsense!"
"But it's true sir!" Exclaimed Breeze.
"Prove it!" Growled Alpha.
Breeze looked at him. He stared plainly on a slug crawling on the ground. Before he felt himself being taken slowly into the air.

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