Chapter 4

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A single blue Jay chirping woke a certain pink haired boy from his best sleep in years. His eyes fluttered open and a big yawn escaped his throat. As he tried to lift himself up, a weight held him down. He rubbed his eyes and looked down.

There lay a sweet Little Lucy Heartfilia curled up with her tiny arms snaked around Natsus Abdomen while she snored softly. Natsu stared for a second.

"Hey Luce... you droolin on me?" He said, his voice raspy. This earned a mumble from the blonde.

"Luce... Get off me, your heavy" Natsu wiggled.

"Stop moving, your comfortable" Lucy Squeezed him tighter.

"Luce... Its me Natsu" With that, Lucys eyes shot open and she shot off him. Her blush covering her entire face.

"Finally. Man I thought you'd never move. May want to lay off the cake"

"IM NOT FAT PINKY!" Lucy shrieked.

"Pfft, you keep telling yourself that you weirdo" Natsu scoffed. Lucy hung her head.

"What time is it? You got here around 11:00" Lucy sighed.

"Uh, 5: 00" Natsu gasped.

"What? 5: 00 pm isnt that bad?"

"Not, 5: 00 pm, 5:00 am"

"WHAT?!" Lucy shrieked in horror.

Both children bolted off the bed and out of the room. As the tumbled down the steps, they noticed that the sun was just coming up. Both kids slowly turned their heads toward each other.

"You want some breakfast?" Lucy hesitantly asked.

"Always!" Natsu whispered back excitedly.

Lucy tip-toed towards the kitchen and went to Virgo, One of the Heartfilia maids.


"Yes, Princess?"

"Could you make Natsu and I breakfast?"

"Yes Princess, I'm glad you are feeling better."

"Thank you Virgo" Lucy gave a slight smile.

Virgo started the bacon and eggs that Lucy had requested.

"Let's go play until the foods ready!" Natsu said, dragging Lucy behind him. Natsu pulled LUcy into the big field that was Lucys front yard.

"Okay, Have you ever played Hide and seek?" Natsu asked. Lucy shook her head as a sign of 'no'.

"Well, I count, you run and hide and then I try to find you. Easy right?" Lucy nodded and Natsu closed his eyes and began his countdown. Lucy bolted in the opposite direction and hopped behind a nearby tree.

"HERE I COME!" Lucy heard Natsu shouted from across the yard.

Lucy thought for a second then poked her head out from behind the tree. She came face to face with a little pink haired boy. "Hiya Luce" He gave a toothy grin and poked her "Found ya"

"Princess. Mr. Dragneel. Your breakfast is ready!" Virgo yelled from the stone pathway. Lucy and Natsu smiled at each other. "I bet I could beat you"

"Pfft, you wish you weirdo" Lucy got a head start and bolted towards the mansion.

"HEY! That's not fair!" Natsu shouted behind her and Lucy giggled.

Soon the two children arrived in the house and walked into the kitchen. "YOU LOSE!" Natsu shouted in victory. "It wasn't fair! you cheated!"


"I don't know! You just did!" Lucy huffed as she crossed her little arms.

Natsu just stuck his tongue out and strolled over to the food that had been placed of the gigantic center table.

"Hey lady, You got any hot sauce?" Natsu asked.

"Yes sir" Virgo left and immediately came back with a bottle of red sauce. "Here you go Sir." Natsu started to flip the bottle  upside down and the red spicy liquid drenched the scrabbled-eggs. Lucy stared, wide eyed at his new breakfast. Natsu took the fork and happily stuffed his mouth. Lucy gagged. She started to eat her regular food while subtly glancing over to the pinkettes food.

"Why do  you keep lookin' at my breakfast? "He pulled his plate towards him. "Cause you can't have any!" Hot sauce spilled out of his mouth onto the oakwood table.

"How the heck can you eat that?"

"Its delicious!" He grinned. Lucy rolled her eyes and started to politely eat.

"Natsu. Eat politely in front of Lucy." a strong voice came from behind. Lucy recognized it to be Igneel Dragneel.

"Don't worry dad! I'm just scared shes gonna take some." Igneel laughed and grabbed a spoon. He took one of the pools of hot sauce that had accumulated on Natsus plate a slurped it all down.

"Dad! This is my breakfast!" Natsu tried to tug it away but Igneel just put his spoon down and gave a hardy laugh.

Igneel was a quite a big man. He had fire red hair and a scar over his left eye. He was much buffer than Jude and smiled much more. Igneel was much nicer and never yelled unless someone attempted too hurt his sons. Igneel adopted Zeref and Natsu when they were both babies, they were real brothers but were abandoned when Natsu was only a baby. When Igneel first arrived he was wearing a nice black and red suit. But now his blazer was missing and his dress shirt was ruffled, indicating he slept here.

"Learn too share Natsu" Igneel scolded. Natsu frowned and crossed his arms. "Get ready, we are leaving soon. We already barged in we don't need to over stay."

"Lucy doesn't mind. Right Luce?"

"No, Natsu makes me happy" Lucy gave the tiniest smile.

"Plus her bed is really comfy" Igneel nearly spit out the hot sauce that was in his mouth.



"Natsu. You slept in her bed?" Igneel spoke really slowly, extenuating each word.

"Yeah, Luce kinda drooled on me and called me comfy" Natsu said, nonchalantly. Igneel looked to Lucy who was quietly eating her eggs. "You slept on him?" Igneel was smiling while staring at the little girl.

Lucy glanced and frantically shook her hands. "NO! It wasn't like that!"

"Well, Well, well. I never thought that Natsu..."Igneel winked and patted Natsu on the back. "Okay. Well when you two get older I expect at least 8 grand children okay?"

Lucys face became crimson along with Natsus. "D-Dad!" "I-IGNEEL!" The two children shouted. Igneel let out another laugh and strolled away. The kids stared at each other awkwardly.

"I'm sorry about him... He just likes to joke." Natsu awkwardly rubbed his head.

"Yeah" Lucys blush didn't lower but she did do something she hadn't done in a long time...

She smiled.

Lucky Lucy HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now