Beckiie, Bimbos and Broken noses.

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  • Dedicated to beckiie lydia lydia - you actually aren't bitches ily! <3 xx

"why do you get a wheel chair and i dont?" Liam asked agin still sulking

"because your not allowed to move your leg because you've broken your Tibeia and ive just got a clean break on my shin bone" i told him AGIN sticking my tongue out and laughing.

*buzz* "ABI! come here"

"what?" she said walking over to me

"look" i said showing her the text and she read it out loud, because i was laughing so much but wincing at the pain, so liam could hear it as well

"heey, where were you last night you missed a right laugh, we even...." abi started to laugh aswell so i took my phone back and carried on reading

"... we even got to dance with one direction! and i got to kiss Liam. hope your okay text me when you get this. kiss kiss" i looked up to see him grinning trying not to laugh making me smirk which set him off into fits of laughter "Liam have you been sneeking out?" i asked mockingly pushing Abi away towards the others.

"yeah sorry i couldn't resist. i mean Beckiie was going" he said winking at me. i growled back wait did i just GROWL? WTF why would i do that? "Let me text her back" Liam held out his hand. wheeling myself around to the other side of his bed and pulled myself up with out success. then i heard some thing like a buzz then i saw liams bed getting lower, ahhh i pushed myself up and on to his bed as quick as possible trying not to put any weight on my bad leg, and then i felt the bed going up.

"thanks " i said grinning and handing over my phone but instead of pushing reply like i thought he would he pushed call. "what are you doing?" i said supprised

"sshhhh" he said "it's on loud speaker"

"heeeeyyyy" i heard beckiie say

"hey is this beckiie?" liam asked

"yeah courtney, who the fuck are you pretnding to be?"

"errrm Becks would you belive me if i told you that, that wasnt me it was Liam payne" i said

"no" she scoffed

"Well how about if i told you i was in hospital?"

"omg what happend? are you okay?" she gabbeled

"i'm fine look are you gunna come and visit me? theres some one i want you to meet" i told her

"yeah sure you in the childrens?"

"yeah, hey fetch lid i need to talk to her"

"which one?"

"Both! look i gotta go the nurse is commin byee."


"byee Beckiie" liam said

"Liam stop it, byee beckiie visiting hours are 3.30 - 8.30" i told her before hanging up.

"Liam i can't beleve you! why would you do that? i mean any one else yes but beckiie collins just no shes the worlds biggest flirt! do not give me that look! no Liam just NO!" i told him sternly.

"whats he done?" kendall asked sneeking up on us and making me jump

"nothing dun't matter... oh Kendall before you go lydia and lydia are coming with beckiie not that i dont want you too see them but i need to know which Lydia it is" i warned her, kendall and beckiie never really got on that well but she talked to her for my sake.

"i'll tell the others" she said walking off.


'hey we'll be there in 5 x' great Beckiies on her way.

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