oh dear god not you.... not this!!!!

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There is only person who says my name like that and shes actually obsessed! I mean Abi's obssesed but shes got a restraining  order on them for fuck sake. "hey, Livi" i said half heartedly, she ruind my moment as usuall!

"I'm baaaccckkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!" she screached

"so touring Europe made you no quieter huh? how did you even know were i was?"

"Abi tweeted it. But  guess who ive seen in Homes chapple?! HARRY STYLES!!"

"well since he lives there... wait when? you know what it doesn't matter. i tried to text you but the nurse took my phine off me bitch!!! have you brought my spare?"

" i guessed it had been so i did cos im that nice a friend! she said throughing my old phone at me, yeah  Livi's kind is verble not physical

"owwwww. thank you!"

"hey, Courtney who you snogging now? is he fit? i'll tell you who is fit, Harry styles and Niall Horan  and Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson AND Zayn Malik!" she gabbled i neede to shut her up my head was starting to hurt!

"LIVI!" i shouted getting her attention "shut up  please!" usually we'd talk about how cute they were for hours on end but with liam sat right behind me it wasn't exactly the smartest move.

"well arn't you going to introduce me?" urrrg why couldnt he have just stayed quiet?

" youve met her on numerous occasions and im pritty sure Harry has a restrianing order on her that we had to fork out £150 for EACH!!!!" rembering the cost of livis bail after shed been arrested for harrasment and got a restrianing order on her, which comes off in just a week WOW that six months went fast, still made me shudder.

"why do i reconise that voice?" she thought about it for a moment then steped back. "SHIT thanks for the warning! How far is about five meters." Liam poked his head out from around me i looked at him then hurd a thud. i turned back to see Livi laying on the floor passed out!

"hahahahahahahahahahaha i dont think she was expecting to see you!" i said pushing the button calling the nurse in.

"Nope, neither do i. WAIT is that... oh my gosh shes the one that to kiss Harry, he is so going to flip when he sees her" he said as the nurse came rushing in saw livi and put her on my bed, which i had to share a bed with Liam,shaaaammmmmeeeee!!!

I suddenly felt really tiered and Liam sat  there stroking my hair realy wasnt helping. Giving in I burried my head further into his chest and drifted off into a peace full sleep.


The next day i had  the pot took of my wrist first, then Liam had a pot put on his leg.

After thed done my pot and given it me back seen as all the  lads had decided to draw cartoon versions of them selves all over it and the girls had coppied. it had also been signed by everyone who had visited me while the lads were out, and i was a lot more popular then i thought. i laughed to myself as i hopped down the hall on my crutches with mu pot tucked firmly under my chin. I met Niall half way back, he had a McDonalds in his hands as he took my pot form under my chin. we had groan a lot closer lately or should i say since i'd told him the plan.

" i got breakfast" he said in a cheery irish accent

"you know me so well" i said with a grin.

"what you smiling at?"

"your accent..."

"okay.... you wiered girl!"

"no my nan was irish you idiot! i dint just perv on your accent!" i playfully punched him. then he punched me back by this point we were near our room so i hit him hard on the arm and walked away. suddenly i felt my foot, the good one, leave the floor and i was flung over Nialls shoulder, he picked up my crutchs and started to walk. "NIALL, PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!"

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