•Chapter five•

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Acacia's P.O.V

I stuck my tongue out at Rory, my best friend. Yes, Rory moved down to L.A after her parents realized she wasn't doing well without me.
"Shut your mouth, you'll catch flies." Rory commented. We were currently at lunch during school. And yes, I am still anorexic. I go to the hospital at least two times a month, mostly for check ups though. Occasionally I get dizzy spells, but that's all.

I grabbed one of her fries and threw it at her. She just chuckled and ignored the fact that I just threw a fry at her. "omg!" She squeals. "There you are!!" She screeches and plants a big sloppy kiss on her boyfriends face. Her boyfriend is Matt. I immediately look down at my food, which includes a chicken Caesar salad with no chicken; I'm a vegan, no black olives and no dressing. Caesar salad was the only salad left in the cafeteria.

Rory knows all about what happened with me and Matt, she felt bad for dating him at first, but I told her I was fine with it. Biggest lie of my life.

I don't really eat my food though, I just kinda, stab it with my fork I guess? I honestly don't know. Luckily for me though, Matt, along with all the boys, actually forgot who I was. Jerks.

"Acacia!" Rory snapped me out of my thoughts. "What?" I replied sassily. " I asked do you want to see a movie with me and Matt?" She repeated herself. I shook my head no. "I don't get why she hates me!" I heard matt whisper to Rory. Rory knew he didn't remember me. "She's just...shy?" She whispered back, but it came out more as a question. Suddenly Rory popped her head towards me  and gave me a disappointed look as she saw my untouched salad. "Babe, eat." She said loudly enough for Matthew to here.

I just shrugged. She sighed and turned her whole body towards me. Before I could comprehend what was happening a big fork full of fries was shoved in my mouth. "Chew." She spoke firmly. I did as I was told and let the food settle into my stomach after I swallowed it. "Dude! You know I'm vegan! That could be cooked in beef fat for all I know!" I practically yelled at her, but not harshly. Suddenly I felt my food coming back up. Rory knew what was happening and ran to the bathroom right beside me. Bulimia. I should have never started.

I ran to the stall and started purging up everything I've eaten in the past 24 hours. Rory held my pony tail back and rubbed my back, making small circles. After I was finally done I flushed twice. I put a mint in my mouth  and tried to play it cool. I started to walk out of the girls bathroom, but Rory pulled me back. "Acacia.. What's going on here."

"I'm sorry." I said before I broke down into to tears. "I tried to get better..." I started, but cut myself off with more sobs. She pulled me into an embrace.

Once I started to collect myself I pushed away from Rory and ran out the door of the girls bathroom. I slid down a locker and cried into my hands.
"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asks. I had the urge to say 'like you care' but I didn't. "Yea." I say wiping away a few stray tears. Matt extends out his hand and I gladly take it. His pull was a little too hard, so I jumped off the ground a little before landing.

I just got the worst déjà vu.....

I started walking past him and as soon as he was out of sight, the fake smile left and the tears started flowing. I ran out the school doors and towards the football bleachers. I hid behind them and just cried.

It's probably been like 3 hours now and the bell dismissing school just rang. I'm still crying. And crying.

"Hustle up boys!" I hear a middle aged man say. I then see the whole football team walking out on the field. Uh oh.

"We have special visitors coming today, you may know them as Trent Clarks Mother and father. They are here to talk about our new teammate."

I sat there confused. My brother was already on the team. And they couldn't mean me? Could they?
There walked out my mom and dad.

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