I - arriving

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As I stepped out, into the bright sunlight outside our pale blue mustang, I had only two things on my mind; French fries, and my sister Sherri.

Sherri and I were twins, but we couldn't have been more different. With her good grades, "perfect" friends and innocent looks, she was a typical soc girl. To be honest I had always wanted to be a greaser, but I guess you don't get to choose that kind of stuff. My sister was our parents' little angel. She could get anything she desired, and she knew it too. That's why she wasn't with us that day. As soon as she found out we were going to New York, she cried to mom and dad and got to go to Europe with her friend Marcia instead. Luckily for me, we had already ordered the cabins at Kellerman's, so now we had an empty bed and I got to bring my best friend Maybelle.

I put on my sunglasses so I could get a better look of the stone building we were parked in front of. All around me my relatives were rushing around like headless chickens, trying to find the reception and their bags and each other and god knows what. I could feel my stomach rumbling, so I found May in the crowd and dragged her with me over to my mother.

"We're going to go grab some food, mom"

I yelled hoping she could hear me over all the talking around us. Mom looked at me for a second and sighed, but nodded in approval.

"Love you!"

I shouted and smiled over my shoulder before I followed May up a hill to the huge main building.

//AN; thanks for reading, i hope you're enjoing the story so far :))
Sorry if this chapter is kinda short and boring, i promise it will get more exciting! ;)

("Big girls don't cry" by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons bc thats what was playing when Baby arrived at the Kellerman's)

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