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Spencer's POV:

"Miss Evans can you please explain to the class what I was just talking about" My teacher, Mr. Parkman said waking me up from my dream. Damn, I was just about to go scuba diving with Zac Efron.

"Ummm... How Romeo and Juliet fell in love but it's was forbidden and all" I guess, we've been learning about this for weeks now.

"Incorrect Ms. Evans, Mr. Hemmings can you please explain to Ms. Evans what I was talking about in the back of the room while I continue with my lesson" Mr. Parkmen said.

I proceeded to the back of the room where Luke Hemmings was. Also known as the guy who barley speaks. I quickly sat next to him waiting for him to say something.

"He was- uh- saying t-that we were l-learning on t-the uhh past behind Romeo and J-Juliet and where it had originated from" He stuttered.

Why does he stutter so much?

"Well thanks I guess" I said getting up and back to my seat. I heard him whisper something but I couldn't full understand it I think it was a you're welcome but I don't know.

It was only a minute left of class and Mr. Parkmen made an announcement.

"You will be having a project on Romeo and Juliet, due in one month, I have pick your partners based on your behavior this semester." He stated.

"Emma and Caleb" couple

"Alex and Baliey" best friends

He continued till he got to mine,

"Spencer and Luke"

This cannot be happening...

That Shy Kid | L.HWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt