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"But believe me
I'm not trying to deceive you
I promise falling for me
Won't be a mistake"
Like usual, my alarm went off at 7:15 bringing me up and ready to start the day.
Gosh I did not want to go to work but being 19, single and not having enough money for college, rent or anything else I wanted, I had to. I got up and got ready fairly quickly in about 35 minutes.

Usually I take quite a while but I guess today was different. I glanced at the clock ' 7:50 am ' great I have about 40 minutes until work starts.
I think I'll go get a coffee.
I made my way to Ms.Carols Coffee shop on Greenmount avenue. I don't have my own car yet, like I said money is tight pretty much all the time.
I had some spare change in my wallet from yesterday. By spare change I mean money I shouldn't spend but I do so anyways.
I drunk my coffee and looked at my watch. 8:10 am

Okay great 20 minutes left, let's go for a walk.
I walk about a two quarters of a mile and then I here a crash. I turn immediately. Nobody is in the car that had hit the family, that's weird. But there is a family in the car that was hit. A little girl of maybe 2 and her parents. She starts crying instantly. By the look of the crash I am surprised she's not dead. But her parents are. It took a minute to realize what just happened but as soon as I reach my senses I sprinted over to the car. Turns out her mother is not dead but will be in a matter of minutes. Time is running out. I open the passenger door and I open my purse. I always keep a small first aid kit in there. The child's mother looks at me and shakes her head just as I pull out the bandages.
"My daughter, Clara." She says as the life in her is sucked out. Her mother is dead.
I turn around and rush to the girl, Clara.
I open the door and unbuckle her. I observe her injuries.

A gash on her head. Some bad bruising but nothing hospital worthy. I take her and run to my apartment which is about 4 blocks away. I manage to get their in 15 minutes.
I rush up the stairs and open my door. I go to my safety lab.

I'm a nurse, in training. It doesn't pay well surprisingly because there are many of them where I live. So the demand is lower meaning we get paid less.
I place her on the bed. I get a wet cloth and cold water as I wash her wounds. I put some gauze on her forehead and tape it after the blood starts clearing. I run into the kitchen and grab some pain medicine with some water and give it to her as I tell her to swallow.
About 10 minutes she's stable and able to walk. Oh my god. My job. I forgot.
I look at my watch ' 8:56 am ' Shit I was supposed to be at work almost 30 minutes ago. I call my boss as she is very upset with me, but I explain the importance of getting the girl to safety and stabilized. She was still upset but said I can take the day off because of the girl. Best not to leave her alone after something so traumatic.

I turn around and start walking to Clara but as I step into her room I see she's sleeping.
My phone rings " Hello?" I say, my voice just above a whisper.
"Katie, You did a good thing saving the girl." A guy speaks
"Uh..who's this" I said
"A friend.. for now." Then the call ends.
Wait how did he know my name is Katie. Who TF was that.
Hey Katie it's Rebecca, I have great news. I know a guy who might be a good fit for you. I'll be over in 5 btw. :p - B
No . No oh my gosh what am I gonna say. Oh hey Becca,I am keeping this child I saved from a car accident her family was killed. I going to keep her?
No..I can't? I can barely take care of myself. I'm only 19. But who else will the girl have?
Ugh I don't know.
Well she was right. Exactly 5 minutes.
I opened the door but it was not Becca. It was a guy.

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