It's okay I'm not the enemy

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I woke up with a worry.
A billion thoughts and questions in my head.

I realized, I'm not home anymore.
I was in a bedroom that wasn't mine.
I quietly got up and ran to the bedroom door. I put my ear against it trying to see if I could hear any voices that might tell me where I am.

I heard a muffled voice.

"I don't know. She's been out for over 24 hours now. No. I didn't see anyone else in the apartment." A guy spoke

Then after a few more "I don't knows" everything went silent again.

I quietly cracked the door to see if I could see the culprit.


I took that as a sign.

I tip toed out and then when I'd just made it to the front door, a "hey" erupted from behind me.

Suddenly an arm pulled me back before I could run away.

He had curly long brown hair and green eyes.
He was very attractive.
His British accent made it harder to leave. I new that accent. Then it occurred that's the guy..on the phone.

"It's okay. I know you must have a billion questions. Please don't go. I'll try to answer them the best I can. Its okay I'm not the enemy. I'm just ... a friend." He said.

It was weird. I know him but I don't. As much as my brain tells me to run, my heart told me he was being honest.

So I stayed.

"Who are you. I recognize your voice?" I asked.

He smiled. He has dimples, great when I though he couldn't get any cuter.

"I'm Harry. We have a mutual friend." He spoke.

Just then the front door opened and in came two people. One of whom I knew.

"Harry we're ba-" A guy began
It was Rebecca. With a blonde haired Irish boy.

"So she's up." Rebecca smiled.

I don't know if I was more mad, happy, or confused but It was definitely a relief to have her in the room.

"Hey Haz, I'll just leave you two alone and Becca and I will grab a bite to eat." Blondie said as they quickly moved out the door.

"You know Becca?" I asked

"Yes. Of course I know her. She's my friend too also she's dating my best friend." He spoke

I was so confused.

"That was Niall. My best mate. Him and Becca have been friends for a little over a year and they just started going out about 1 week ago. But I'm sure you have other questions."

"What happened, where am I,and why am I here?" I asked nonchalantly

"You were saved, by me actually. A bomb went off and luckily you weren't too badly injured, so I took you in and cared for you. You're welcome!" He smiled before continuing "You are in my home. And you're here because you're here. I don't know if you knew or not. But I'm the guy Becca wanted to set you up with, if that makes this any less weirder."

"Oh.." Really? Katie is that all you can manage to say? OH?

He laughed at my sudden shyness. Wait why am I shy?

It's not like I like him yet. Sure he's cute but I don't know him. He could be a murderer for all I know?

Hell with those dimples and that face he'd probably get away with it.

Yet. I don't like him.. yet?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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