Sunshine - MiniCat

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Based off of the song 'You Are My Sunshine' by Elizabeth Mitchell. Italics are the song lyrics.

I'm also not sure how often this will be updated. Probably every so often. This One-Shot also has time skips between most of the lyrics. Key word: Most.
You are my sunshine

Tyler looked down at Mini's peaceful, sleeping face before brushing the British man's hair away from his forehead. "What-" Mini yawned and rubbed his eyes before opening them. "What are you doing?"

"Shh, just go back to sleep," Tyler whispered as he played with Mini's hair.

Mini only nodded and snuggled closer to Tyler's warm body.

My only sunshine

"Before the mission, you guys want to go hit up the strip club?" Evan asked to everyone sitting in his apartment living room.

Everyone agreed except Tyler and Mini. "Are ye seriously not going?" Nogla raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"I don't need some slut," Tyler turned his eyes to Mini and smiled softly. "Mini is all that I'll ever need."

You make me happy, when sky's are gray

Everyone stood in front of a freshly covered grave. The rain was beating down hard but they were practically numb to it. To the entire group, all they could see were happy memories of their fallen friend. "He'll be missed," Evan spoke after a few minutes, taking up his role as leader. "He... We won't be the same without him."

"I bet that no matter where he goes, he'll eat all of their Cheerios within seconds," Nogla smiled sadly, tears and raindrops dripping from his face.

"Sometimes he was annoying with that stupid voice of his but he was like a brother, you know?" Tyler sighed and looked down at his feet. "I should've gotten him those damn gummy bears the other day. It sure makes me feel like an asshole."

Mini hugged Tyler in an attempt to comfort him. The taller man couldn't hold his feelings in anymore and broke out in a sob. "Lui's in a better place," Mini said just loud enough for only Tyler to hear. "He knew what he was getting into when he joined our crew. It'll be okay."

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

"It was a trap!" Basically shouted over the mic. "Find cover and stay safe!"

Tyler ducked behind some crates just barely missing the bullets that would've gone straight into his brain. He shot back after the initial shock of the situation had passed. The mission was a complete dud and the Intel was all wrong. The two gangs weren't meeting up for some drug deal at all.

A sharp intake of breath to his right attracted Tyler's attention. He glanced over only to see Mini sprawled out with a small but growing stain of blood on the front of his suit. "MINI!" Tyler yelled and quickly killed his attackers.

He rushed over to the wounded man and tears gathered in his eyes. "Y-you're going to m-make it," he shook his head in denial. "Marcel, Mini g-got shot."

"I'm pinned down," Basically replied through the mic. "I'll try and get over as fast as possible."

"How bad is it?" Mini asked, his voice faint. "Where did I get shot?"

"... Your chest..." Tyler brushed Mini's hair away from his eyes. "You're going t-to make it, okay?"

Please don't take my sunshine away

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