#BreakTheMini - H2OMini

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Inspired by Mini's latest stream where he played Dead Realm with fans and people started cutting onions around him.

I don't care if this doesn't show any evidence of the actual pairing or not but I've had this idea stuck in my head so I decided 'fuck it.'

One last thing before the chapter begins: Send me your ideas or prompts or whatever for the next One-shot. They will be greatly appreciated.
In what was seemingly a random apartment in Los Angeles, California, a man sat outside of an apartment door on the third floor. He was bent over a laptop, his dark brown hair drooping over and partially covering his sky blue eyes. A jacket that matched his eyes lay in a crumpled pile next to him due to the hot temperature that followed him from the outside. Cheap Apple headphones were plugged into his dark blue laptop so that he could listen to whatever he wanted to.

The man's choice of audio was not music but the odd and extremely mixed accent of another man. As he edited another clip for what would be his next video, he heard the man stop talking. His eyes narrowed in confusion as he saved what he currently had and minimized the window to see what had rendered the British man speechless. On Twitch, a man with a forehead like an airport runway sat in shock with a hand covering his mouth. "What the fuck?" the blue eyed man whispered to himself and cocked his head in confusion.

After a few seconds, he finally saw the donation and brought his hand up to his own mouth. "Five hundred... dollars...?" he gasped and skimmed through the attached message. "Oh my fucking God. I swear if that motherfucker who just donated cancels the transfer, I will hunt him down."

The unfinished video stayed minimized as the man put the stream in fullscreen mode to watch. On the screen, Mini Ladd's Dead Realm character stood frozen in place and was quickly caught as he began to talk. A staggering amount of donations with varying sizes rolled in along with the occasional sub. "He has to have made over one thousand dollars with this stream alone," he muttered as the streamer/YouTuber spoke about how overwhelmed he was by the amount of donations and subs.

"Give me a minute guys... Yeah, just give me a second," Mini sniffed as he looked at his second monitor which displayed chat before taking a deep breath and standing up.

Mini presumably went towards the kitchen and you could hear him sniffling and taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. A soft smile seemed to be glued on to the dark brown haired male's face as he watched Mini return to his webcam and reassure his stream that he was alright. "I'm not sure what emotion I should be feeling right now," the man chuckled to himself before noticing his eyes were slightly stinging and there was a bead of moisture threatening to drip from his nose. "Am I seriously about to cry? What the fuck? Delirious doesn't fucking cry!"

He sniffed and moved the laptop off his lap so that he could stretch without making it fall over. Delirious raised his arms above his head, clasped his hands, then leaned forward while stretching his arms as far back as he could manage. "Standing's going to be a bitch," he realized as his arms fell back down to his sides. "Fuck... I'm terrible at thinking things through."

Half an hour later, the stream ended with Mini making over three or four thousand in donations and gaining 106 subs. "Thank you all again for your extreme generosity. I love all your butts so much and I'll try and get a video done for tomorrow and I will tweet the pizza when it gets here," Mini said as he ended the stream.

Delirious stared at his laptop for a few more moments before closing it and digging into the right pocket of his jacket to get to his phone. Within only a few seconds, he had unlocked it and was on a contact list filled with the numbers of all of his friends. After scrolling down a little bit, he clicked on Mini's name and called him. The phone rang for a short amount of time which gave Delirious the opportunity to take the headphones out of both his laptop and his ears. "What's up Delirious?" Mini asked, and tried to hide the way too obvious sniffle.

"The sky," he giggled.

"Oh fuck you!" Mini laughed over the phone.

"Share your pizza with me. I need foooooooooood," Delirious grinned and put the laptop and headphones inside of his black and blue laptop bag.

"You were watching the stream?" Mini asked, surprise in his voice. "I didn't see you in the chat though."

"Didn't want you to get donations that were made simply so that people could get me to notice them," I shrugged and zipped up my bag. "So... Are you going to share that pizza?"

"Sure. Come to L.A. within half an hour and I'll give you some."

Delirious could practically see the British man rolling his eyes before he replied, "Okay, I'll be there."

"Sure you will be," Mini joked over the phone as Delirious slowly got to his feet.

He knocked on the door but couldn't help the slight growl that left his lips at the slight painful feeling from his 'asleep' legs. "Hold up, someone's at my door," Mini said with a faint clunking noise on his end which was probably the phone being set down.

"Well then," Delirious huffed and hung up. "No need for the call to still be going."

He slid the phone into his pants pocket and was bent over picking up his jacket when the door opened. "Um... Excuse me? Is there something you need?" a very familiar accented voice asked.

"There sure is," Delirious grinned as Mini tilted his head and stared at him.

"Are you a fucking fan?" Mini glared at him and stood up as tall as he could. "Get out or I'll call the fucking police on you."

"Not quite the reaction I was expecting but one that's easily gotten," Delirious tied the jacket around his waist and pulled on the sleeves to make sure that it wouldn't fall off.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want?!" Mini nearly yelled in his face, thoroughly annoyed.

"I'm finding that staying out here in this heat is making me quite Delirious," the blue eyed man grinned. "Move over bitch, I want some fucking pizza."

YouTuber One-Shots (You should give me cookies for my extremely unoriginal title)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora