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I got home two hours earlier since my staff helped me a lot with the papers. I bought Taeyeon some new paints cause I knew that she was running out of paint. I opened the front door and saw a pair of familiar shoes placed neatly there. Kris is here? What is he doing? I stepped inside and felt the quite aura.

"Taeyeon? Kris?" I called them but there is no answer. I walked to dining room and found nobody in there. I looked at the backyard and see Minho talking to Sulli by the pool.

"Guys, have you seen Taeyeon and Kris?" I said and they were clearly surprised by my sudden presence.

"Earlier I see Taeyeon-ssi got into her room and Kris-ssi is watching TV," Sulli said.

"Really? Maybe he's going home. Alright, thank you and continue whatever you guys are talking about," I said while smiling to Minho. He was flustered and just bowed to me. I laughed at him.

I decided to see Taeyeon and give her the new paints I bought. Just as I want to open the door, it was locked and I hear voices inside. I thought she was watching movie on her laptop. I put down the paints on the floor and searched for my spare key. I put it in the keyhole and turned it. I opened the door and what I see in front of my eyes is making me furious.

I grabbed his shoulder and punched him to hell. He's thrown to the side and looked at me. His cheek and the corner of his lips are bleeding but I don't care. He's fucking raped my wife and I can't forgive that. I pushed him and he fell on his back. I sat on his stomach and punched him like there's no tomorrow. I stopped as soon as I saw bruises all over his face and I kicked him as I got up.

I looked at Taeyeon and my heart breaks into pieces. She was laying on the floor with no clothes on, messy hair, bruise on her cheek, her mouth muffled and hands tied to the bed leg. I rushed to her side, taking off my jacket and covering her body with it. I took the handkerchief off of her mouth and untied her hands. She was crying so hard and I took her in my arms. I looked down to her legs and I can see blood flowing and there's a cut on her ankle. I looked at Kris who is slowly getting up and he look at me, smirking.

"Get out you bastard," I said coldly to him. He just smirked at me. I watched him as he put his clothes on. I keep Taeyeon in my arms and she still crying and sobbing on my chest. He looked at me once more and smirking. As he walked out of my room I turned my head to Taeyeon who is crying hard. I carry her bridal style and put her softly on the bed. I cover her body with the blanket as she hold my shirt.

"Please," She said. "Please don't leave me," My heart crushed. I can't believe my own best friend raped my wife. I trust him so much and this is what I get. I want to chase him and kill him but Taeyeon needs me here. I feel so guilty of leaving her home alone. I feel like this is all my fault. I felt a tear coming down of my eyes and I wiped it instantly. I have to be strong for her. She needs me. But first I need someone to help me calm her down because she was shaking so much and keeps mumbling words that I can't understand. She keeps mentioning 'fan' but I couldn't catch what she meant. I took out my phone and text her best friend Jessica, hoping that she can help me.

To: Jessica Jung
My house. Urgent. Taeyeon. Be here in 15.

I put my phone back to my pocket but soon it vibrates.

From: Jessica Jung
Be there in 5.

I sighed in relieved as she'll come faster than I want. Taeyeon is still crying and shaking it is breaking my heart to see her in this stated. I want to put some clothes on her but she doesn't let me leave her side. I can just keep hugging her and rubbing her back, kissing her temple. We stayed like that until I heard yelling from downstairs.

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