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I called Baekhyun many times already but he didn't picked up.

"Where is he going? Did he buy it on the other side of the world?! It's dinner already!" I yelled in frustration. He took almost 12 hours just to buy some red peppers and meats. I know guys are a little bit bad when it comes to groceries shopping but this guy is terrible!

"Calm down unnie. We can continue our lesson tomorrow," Yoona said and I sighed. Maybe that is not the real problem. The thing is, I was worried about him. I'm afraid that something was happen to him.

Suddenly, I heard the front door being closed and I walked to the living room. Baekhyun was walking towards the dining room and as soon as he saw me, he took my hand and dragged me to our room.

"Baekhyun. Where were you going? I was so worried about you! And where is my groceries?" I said as soon as he closed the door behind me.

"You're going home," He said which made me shut up. Did he just kicked me out?

"What?" I said as I stayed on my spot. He walked to my suitcase and put all of my clothes inside.
"Baekhyun! What are you doing?! Stop!" I yelled at him and grabbed my clothes that was on the suitcase. He snatched it from me.

"Baekhyun! I don't want to go home!" I said snatching back my clothes. He stared at me and walked closer to me. His eyes was so dark and scary. My heart was beating so fast.

"I said you're going home," He said as he put back the clothes back into the suitcase. Practically, he was walking around the room, picking and putting my things and clothes into my big suitcase.

"But why?" I asked him as I let him be. I realized that he was not going to stop. No matter what I do.

He ignored me. "Baekhyun, you better answer me," I said and he stopped.

"You're not safe here," He said and I was confused by his words. What did he mean with that?


"You're not safe here. That is all I can tell you. Now I'm going to drive you home," He said as he finished putting my things. I still don't get it. Why am I not safe here?

"I'm not going home until you tell me why," I said in a stern voice.

He stomped towards me and whispered.

"Forget about your friendship with Yoona and all of her kindness. She's dangerous," he said.

"She's a lovely girl. And remember that you're the one who says that she was turning to her old self!"

"I was wrong! Okay? Please, I'm begging you to listen to me and let me drive you home," he said as he stared right into my eyes.


"Welcome home, noona," Minho said as we walked in the house with Baekhyun following me from behind. Minho helped him with the suitcase as the other maids came to greet us.

"Welcome home," They said as they bowed to us. I nodded to them and gave them a warm smile.

"Taengoo, I'm going back to Yoona's. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He said as he kissed me on my forehead.

"Why?" I asked. I feel sad that he was not going to stay with for the night.

"I have something to discuss with her. I'll tell her you are home. Take care," He said as he kissed me again. I can't say anything as he walked out the door. I just sighed and sit on the living room. It's been weeks since I stayed at Yoona's and this house started to feel a little different. But it was just my feeling.

Seohyun came in the living room and placed a strawberry juice on the table. I smiled to her. "Thank you, Seo," I said and she bowed at me.

"How's your baby?" She asked as she glanced at my belly. I smiled and rubbed it.

"Perfectly fine and extremely healthy," I said as I smiled widely.

"That is good to hear. I can't wait to see your kid running around the house," She said and I nodded.

"Me too. I just need to wait for the next three months and then I could hold him in my arms. Right, son?" I talked to my tummy. I feel the baby kicking and can't hold the happiness I'm feeling. I motioned Seohyun to feel it and she did. She was smiling happily and I was hoping that Baekhyun was here to feel it too.

Why do I need to go home and he should go back to her house?

Why did he said that I'm not safe there?

What is exactly happening?



As the schedule I will update 2 new chapters every Friday! Even though this is Saturday-_-

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