Chapter 2

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Rowan's POV

I stared into his gorgeous hazel eyes. My heart was beating out of my chest. I could faint at any moment. But I know he'll catch me if I do.

I was so nervous, I tried to say something. "Peyton.. I.."

"Shh.. don't ruin the moment." I obeyed.

His beautiful face leaned in so close to mine. Soon, our lips were touching. We stayed this way for a long time. Seven seconds, at least. I didn't mind it, though. I wouldn't exchange this moment for the world.

He pulled away, leaving me craving more.

"Rowan.. I love you.."

That's it. My heart and mind and soul and everything is gone. They died. Of FEELS! I obviously love him too, but how do I say it back?

Duh, Rowan, you say the same words back to him.

I took a deep breath and kissed him one more time, which definitely fulfilled my craving.

I pulled away. "I love you, too."


Peyton's POV

Keeping our embrace, we turn our heads to see who it was.

"That was the cutest thing ever!"

"It sure took you guys long enough."

I chuckled and smiled. "Hey Corey, hey Sabrina."

"Hi guys!" Rowan said. I love the sound of her sweet voice.

"Oh we're sorry, we'll leave you two alone."

"No it's okay! Is there anything you need?" I asked.

"Well, actually.. we were kind of wondering if you guys could come back downstairs. You know, to continue Truth or Dare?" Sabrina said.

"And to watch our movie?" Corey added.

Oh wow. I forgot I was even at Rowan's house! I don't know, being with her makes me feel like we're in a magical place, a world with just me and her. But no, here we are, standing in the middle of her Beyoncé & Harry Potter poster slathered room. Oh well. Close enough.

"Oh yeah sure, we'll be right there!" Rowan responded, her bubbly personality showing. Gosh, she makes me melt.

"Shall we?" I asked, offering her my hand.

She took it. And with one last kiss, we walked downstairs together.


Hey guys! What did you think of this chapter? I know, I know, it was kinda short, but I promise to try and make the next one longer! I really hope you enjoy the story so far. Thank you all, happy reading!


PS: Sorry if I get some peoples' personalities wrong! I'm still kind of new at this, just pretend for the sake of the story :) okay that's it, bye!

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