Chapter 3

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*a few hours earlier*

Rowan's POV

After a long day of shooting Girl Meets World, it was finally over. It's not like I'm complaining or anything, today we shot Girl Meets First Date. Man, Peyton is so cute.

Stop, Rowan! He's three years older than you. Do you seriously think you have a chance with a guy like him?

Sigh. I guess not. Oh well, who needs him anyways?

I do! Stop lying to yourself.

Am I seriously arguing with myself?

"Hey, Rowan!"

I whirled around back into reality. "Hi, Sabrina! Great job today."

"Are you kidding me? You great job!" She winked as she nudged me on the shoulder.

I giggled. "Oh my gosh, Sabrina. It was just acting. Strictly professional." I tried to keep a straight expression, but a huge smile decided to dominate my face. Great.

"Oh, come on. You know you like him! And did you see the way he looked at you? I'm willing to bet a million dollars he likes you back."

"Well you might as well sell your house now, because he sure as heck does not like me. It was Lucas looking at Riley, not Peyton looking at me!"

Sabrina sighed. "Fine. Don't believe me!" She gave me a pouty face.

I laughed. "Come on, Sab. Hey, why don't you come over tonight? You know, like a sleepover?"

"Oh sure! Hey, we should totally invite the guys too ;)"

"Fine. But only because you suggested it!"

She laughed. "We are so playing truth or dare."

I smirked. "See you tonight, Sab."


*at Sabrina's house*

Sabrina's POV

Rowan and Peyton are so cute together. There's no doubt in my mind that they are meant for each other.

Tonight, it has to be tonight.

I picked up my phone.

Sabrina 😎✌🏼️: Hey, Peyton. You coming to Rowan's tonight?

Peyton 🙌🏼😋: Yeah, you?

Sabrina 😎✌🏼️: Duh!

Peyton🙌🏼😋: Oh yeah. Obviously haha

Sabrina😎✌🏼️: 😂 Hey I have something to ask you

Peyton🙌🏼😋: Hm?

Sabrina😎✌🏼: Do you have feelings for Rowan?

Peyton's POV

I stared at my phone screen. Should I tell her?

Peyton🙌🏼😋: Why?

Sabrina😎✌🏼: Oh ya know, just asking ;)

Peyton🙌🏼😋: Oh my gosh no winky faces please

Sabrina😎✌🏼: 😂😂 only if you answer the question!!

I thought about it for a while. Finally I decided to tell her. What's the harm, right?

Peyton🙌🏼😋: Okay, okay. Yes, I do have feelings for Rowan. To be honest, I've liked her since the day we all met on set.

Did I just send that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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