**Callie's P.O.V.**

Zoe and I just got back from shopping, and we have a ton of bags. Okay maybe 12 in total. But to me, that's alot. I've decided to call Megan and see if she'll fly in.

**Megan's P.O.V.**

"Hey, how's the trip coming?" I asked when I picked up Callie's call.

"Hey and great. In fact, awesome. Listen we're, Joe, Paul, and I are pulling a paranormal activity prank, you in?"

"Well, I have a ton of school work, being in year 8 and all, but I guess since it's Spring Break I could fly in for.." I glanced up at the calendar," Two weeks and four days, then when I come home I'll have three days until school starts, well technically two but-"

"Is that a yes?"

"Oh yeah, deffinately."

"Great! See you tomorrow Meg!"

"Okay by-"

She hung up.

Great, well time to pack.

**Callie's P.O.V.**

"CALLIE!" Joe yelled from the kitchen.

"What!?" I yelled, pushing my head out the door.

"Tyler and Colleen are here!"


I ran out of my room and down the stairs, tripping and falling down the last four.

"Fuck!" I yelled getting up, wiping the dust off my jeans.

"Gurl, that looked like it hurt." Tyler sassed.

"Oh, it did." I grinned hugging Tyler, then giving Colleen a hug.

"God it seems like forever ago!" Colleen and I caught up while I showed her to her room, Joe was showing Tyler to his.

"So, does Joe know that you like him?" Colleen asked when we got to her room.

"No," I laughed," That would be so embarassing."

"Yeah, probably so."

We laughed when I heard the front door open then close and a too familiar voice followed it.

"Oh just shut up Paul!"


"GUYS!" I yelled.

Danny and Paul whipped around,"Callie!"

"Pauly! Daniela." I said dismissing Danny.

"I told you to stop calling me Daniela." He groaned.

I just smirked and walked back up to my room.

I checked my phone.


Hey this is you know who. I heard your back in town. Good. Meet me at the fro yo shop at three tomorrow or meg won't make it...

I coughed and started breathing heavily.


Paranormal Activity "Prank" - Joe SuggOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora