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Okayy guys I am soooo sorry I am having writers block and I had a ton of school work to finish and you know how it is. Stressful. Very, very stressful. But anyway I hope to be back on schedule an have new chapters for this book posted every other week.

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I just smirked and walked back up to my room.

I checked my phone.


Hey this is you know who. I heard your back in town. Good. Meet me at the fro yo shop at three tomorrow or meg won't make it...

I coughed and started breathing heavily.


I saw the corners of my vision slowly becoming darker then, I fell.

{2 Hours Later}

"But even after the tests Ms. Johnson is free of any mental or physical injuries. In an minute or two she can be released, we just need to prescribe some medicines to help with the headaches she'll be having for the next week or so, but no internal damage either. She either blacked out from fear or stress, most likely a mixture of the two." The doctor said, thinking I was alseep. I heard a few in audible murmurs in the room. And barely opening my eyes to see Danny, Tyler, and Joe on my left, with Paul, Zoe, Colleen, and a nurse to my left.

I pretended to wake up and felt someone grab my hand.

"Oh Callie! Thank God you're okay! I was so worried!"

"Thanks Joe but really it was... Just nothing no problems just school stress.." I lied and looked at Paul.

"So how is Guatelupe?" I asked smiling a bit. Inside joke.

"Better than ever, now that your okay. Promise?"

I smiled,"Promise."

Danny and the others gave us weird looks as Dr. Jones came back in. "Okay everything is in order, we have prescribed some headache medicine Ms. Callie, but you are released." I nodded and slowly got off the bed as and Zoe helped me out to the van.

I mumbled a thanks and settled in the back between Danny and Zoe, with Colleen and Tyler in the middle, Joe driving and Paul in the passenger seat.

-At the house-

"But for real, Callie you can't be scaring us like that!" Tyler lectured as I ate my noodles.

My phone buzzed.

No caller I.D.

I answered,"Hey."

"Why hello."

"Who is this."

"Oh but honey, you already know."


"Yes darling, how's your trip going?"

"Quite good, without you."

"Oh darling, my precious darling, we both know you don't mean that."

"Oh, mother but I do."

I ended the call and went to my room and started screaming into my pillow.

There was a knock at the door and it slowly opened,"Cal?"

Zoe, she always checks one when I'm upset.

I looked at her,"No Zoe I'm not fine, I need a hug."

She hugged me and Tyler yelled that dinner was ready.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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