Facts about Vic part 2

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Vic broke his wrist once while playing soccer. 

Vic's favorite tv show is Wonder Years.

Vic's favorite movies are Jurassic Park and Coraline. 

Vic isn't just Mexican but Irish as well.

Vic uses herbal essences shampoo. 

Vic used to struggle with self harm in high school due to being bullied but stopped because of his brother Mike Fuentes who looked up to Vic. 

Vic learned to play guitar in 9th grade; the first song he learned to play was Brain Stew by Green Day.

Vic was in a band before Pierce The Veil named "Before Today" along with his brother Mike Fuentes but changed the name later due to copyright issues. 

Vic got the idea of naming his band Pierce The Veil in his sociology  class at San Diego University where his professor explained "piercing the veil"  meant to go directly to the problem and removing at the source. 

Vic is very picky when it comes to recording a song, sometimes he will record a song 20 to 30 times until it sounds right to him. 

(A/N lol sorry if some of these are kinda stalker modey (im aware thts not a word but deal with it xD) but like I'm weird and I wanted to share with you all some of my deep things I know about Vic. Btw, It's not stalking but admiring from far. xD) 

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