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"My love for you was bulletproof, but you're the one who shot me" </3

"I kissed the scars on her skin, I still think you're beautiful and I don't ever want to loose my bestfriend" 

"What  a waste of a perfectly good clean wrist" </3

"Imagine living like a king someday, a single night without a ghost in the walls" 

"I wanna hold your hand so tight, Im gonna break my wrist"

"Please, don't take this out on me, cause your the only thing that's keeping me alive"

"But I will soon forget the color of your eyes, and you'll forget mine"

"If every living thing dies, what am I doing here?"

"Can we create something beautiful, and then destroy it?" 

"See, your just wasted and thinking about the past again, darlin' you'll be okay" <3

"You don't know what it is like, to waking up in the middle of the night, scaring the thought of kissing razors" 

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