chapter three

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*Felix' P.O.V.*

I woke up with a terrible headache. I remembered how something hitted my head when I went to the bathroom in the restaurant. Wherever I was now, I wasn't at the restaurant anymore. It was dark and there was almost no room to even move. This was so scary. Who was this person who took me here? And what does he want?! Suddenly I hear a familliar voice coming from outside of this room. "I said get inside!" I heard the voice say. Katia. I wanted to scream for help and yelling I was here, but something covered my mouth. My hands were tied together and I couldn't get rid of it. I tried to make as much sound as possible, if she heard me, someone could help me out of here. And suddenly I felt something move. Wait, was I in the trunk of a car?

The next thing I remember is that I woke up in a bigger room, sitting tied up with chains on the floor. In front of me was a letter.

Hello Felix.
To awnser some possible questions;
Yes, you got here in the back of a car, and yes, that car was standing outside your friends' house.

So far this didn't seem good. That's why I heard Katia. They probably didn't even know I was there...

You might be wondering why I got you here, don't you? Well, just because I can. That's why. I won't kill you, but I'm also not saying you're gonna have a good time here.


Who's that person calling himself "S"? And what does he want from me...?

* P.O.V. : "S" *

I saw Felix waking up in the room where I left him through a camera I placed there. I looked up when Tyrone, the guy who worked for me and kidnaped Felix and did the phonecalls, walked to me. "Boss, why this guy?" He asked for the 1000th time today. "He's famous, worth a lot, but not that famous to attrackt the attention of the news." I told him. Tyrone was the guy who got the blame if everything went wrong. I would act innocent, but of course he didn't know that. Idiot. "Oh, I see..." he said. "Get rid of those handcuffs and chains, and then you can take a break, I can handle things for the rest of the day. You'll hear from me if I need you again." I told him. He nodded and walked away. My attention went back to Felix. I saw Tyrone get rid of the chains, and before Felix could even do a thing, he was gone again. Felix had a confused look on his face. He didn't know what's going on. Good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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