Chapter 2: Advice! Or not..?

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"WAKE UP!" A gloved fist slams down on the table your head is rested apon. A loud thud sends vibrations through the table and onto your sleeping face as you lean up quickly.

"Nnng..?" You rub your eyes and look at Edward, who's hair is down and he's wearing a tank top, one that reveals his metal arm openly.
"Its noon! How can you sleep so long?" He turns and walks to the bookshelf, looking around you realize he's cleaning up the mess of books you've left out. You grab some books and help him put then away. One book goes high up, to a shelf you cannot reach. You hear Edward chuckle, "Its about time someone smaller than me came along" He takes the book from your hands and places it where it belongs.

Once the books are clean he guides you back upstairs. The aroma of food teases your nose. Your stomach let's out a loud growl.

"Someone hungry? Heh.." You hear a higher pitched voice, one that belongs to Alphonse.

"Extremely" You chuckle and turn to see Edward approaching you again with a shiny porcelain plate in his hands. The eggs and toast laying on the plate appeals to all of your senses. You reach out and take it with a smile.

"So (y/n).. Training starts today, once Al leaves we'll start understood?" Edward states as Alphonse nods at you.

"Yeah, I got it. What will we be practicing today?"

Edwards voice shows a mocking tone. "You should be prepared for anything.. Good alchemists always are."

Your eyes narrow at the blonde boy. 'Prepared for anything? Of course I am! I'm still one of the youngest allowed to take the test!"

But you didn't say any of that, you just nodded and shot him a glare. "Got it."

The sound of metal moving together rings in your ears, and you know Al is heading out. His voice shouts from the front door a loud "goodbye!"

Edward hollers back at Al from across the house. As do you, in sync with the Young alchemist. The door slams and you wander towards Edwards room.

'Damn.. Where did he go..? He was here a secon-'

A loud crash falls behind you, making you jump and gasp. Involuntarily you jump out of the way, barely missing another object falling from above you. Shards fly everywhere, and you realize what's happening.

Time slows, you drift into your own thoughts.
'This is the test...'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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