Chapter 2: The Mistaken Event

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Irie's POV


Someone overheard our convo between me and Ms. Nami.

The worst is she mis understood our convo.

I think she thinks that Ms. Nami confessed to me but reality she just say goodbye because she was leaving.

Nami Santana. 21 years old. Single. My sister-in-law.


I was about to say something on that gurl yet she hurriedly ran away.

We were both shocked.

"Onii-chan...who was that?" Nami said.

''I don't...anyways, good luck on your trip to Paris (author: wow!!! I wanna go there too you know... >♡<) and enjoy there, okay?" I said.

She nodded.

We said our farewells.

The only thing I should do now is to find that girl and explain what she sees.


What was I thinking?


Am I too defensive on my part?

Guess so.


I went to pedia section to check if I have a patient.


Kotoko's POV

I ran hurriedly away after they see me.

I hid at the pedia section room.

I breathe in and out.

"Ugh. That was close. I thought---" I said.


Oh no!!!


He's here.

*whip* *whip*

"Hi! I'm Kotoko Aihara. 2nd year nursing student. I'm your err...partner for this sem's on charge duty for 12 noon to 12 midnight sched if err... I'm right if you're hmmm... let's see, Dr. Irie-Naoki-kun, right?" I said pretendedly that we met our acquiantance just now.


I'm so scared right now.


Come on be serious here!

We are the only people alone here people.


He just nodded.


Guess he just ignored in there, right?

Irie's POV

I was shocked.

She just pretended everything was fine that she didn't see anything a while ago.

Damn, I was too absurd in this situation.

For some reason, I was too pissed that in the end, I just pretend too.

She was about to leave when I---

Kotoko's POV

I was about to leave the room to get rid of this awkwardness by making excuses when he suddenly grab my hand and push me on the wall.

I bumped my hips on the wall and I felt sudden scared.

I closed my eyes.


I can feel his breath right now like a centimeter apart.


Is he about to kiss me?

Is he my first kiss?


I opened my eyes and screamed while struggling to escape his grasped.

After escaping, I slap him and ran away as fast as I could using race walking methid.


Damn him!!!

What was that about!

I can't believe it!

Is he teasing me like that girl confessing him a while ago?

There's no way I'm gonna break my flag that easily you know!!


Irie's POV


I was about to kiss her.

I just don't know, why...why I have a sudden urge to kiss her yet...she moved away.

The worst thing is, she slap.

Damn that girl!

She make me crazy two times!


I'll make sure you're gonna pay for this, yet on the other hand why do I care?

I have some appointments to have first priority than this one.

Whatever after high.

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