First Day of School

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Hello lovelies! This is for those who have been asking. And thank you to those who have been voting. This being one of my first published fanfictions I'm feeling wee bit proud.

Enjoy xx



"Argh" I groaned throwing my hand over my clock. God damn 4:30 wake up calls and 5am starts! I pulled myself out of bed, it wasn't too cold this time of year but the weather is changing I can feel it. I change into my black and red flamed leotard, throwing my tracksuit, since I didn't have the school official warm ups for traveling yet, and ugg boots on. I walked into my bathroom and did my hair in a simple bun.

I grabbed an apple and granola bar off the top of my fridge before grabbing one of the cooled waters from inside it before heading out into the hall, it was busy for this hour of the morning thanks to all junior and seniors getting to training.

"Tris!" Said Zeke throwing an arm over my shoulder and smiling
"You are too cherppy for this time of the morning" i grumbled as we walked past four's room. He's door opened and he stepped out greeting Zeke with a man hug and me with a kiss

"Aw isn't that cute?" Asked Shuana meeting us as well as we headed out into the cool morning. Four pulled me into he's side as we joined Eric and a few seniors out front
"Hi all!" Said one of the seniors
"Argh, you're way too happy for this hour of the morning" I said as we walked into the gym
"Tris, this is James, Kelly, Isaac, Jayson, Mitchell and Lauren" he said
"Hi" I replied smiling slightly
"James, Kelly and Lauren are Juniors and Isaac, Jayson and Mitchell are seniors. They're going to be traveling with you this year" he said
"Oh so your the junior traveling with us" sis Jayson
"I've heard that if we can wow Amar he might send a few more of us" said Lauren
"Huh that's cool" said Four as we set our bags down and followed everyone else to the middle of the mat where Amar currently stood.

"Alright everyone this is how morning sessions are going to work. It's basically free time to work on what you want to work on. Myself and the other coaches are around if you need help or just help each other. We'll do our typical warm up and then we'll move off to where you want to. This is a privilege not a right. If I see too many people not doing anything I will make these morning sessions structured" he said looking around
"Your older and therefore you should be more responsible. In the afternoon we'll be joined by the freshmen and sophomores. Those sessions will be set in stone understand?" He asked
"Yes coach!" We replied.
"Alright start warming up" he said as we moved to the edge of the mat and started. This morning I decided to stretch out. I'd been feeling stiff lately and I wasn't too sure why. As we finished our light stretch and moved off. I walked over to my bag and pulled out my weights and stretching bands as well as my iPod, I walk over to the edge of the mat where a few stacked mats sat. I slowly worked on getting my splits down flat on the floor and sat in them for s good 5 minutes before starting on my over-splits.

As I sat there listening to my music I looked around the room at what the others where up to, Eric was on rings working on dismounts, Zeke was on the p-bars being spotted by Four. Shuana was doing some amazing skills on bars.

Once I felt stretchy enough I started working on jumps, leaps and turns used on floor. It felt good. I saw four walk over to me about half an hour later. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to him grabbing my water bottle

"Your looking good" he said
"Thanks, good stretch tends to help" I said leaning into him
"We've got about 2 minutes left then we can go eat, or shower if you need it" he said laughing a little
"Nope, but I might go change into a shirt and shorts" I commented
"Alright, change rooms are just over there" he said I picked my bag up and walked over to the change rooms.

We walked into the cafeteria 10 minutes later and grabbed something to eat for breakfast. It was a loud start to the morning, with all the freshmen excited to start class and training and the juniors and seniors hyped on the two hours of training they just had.

My schedule for day 1 went

Home room
Human biology
Back to human biology
And finally injury prevention

"So who has maths first?" I asked
"Oh we do!" Said Shauna, Zeke and four
"Cool" I said looking in my bag and realising I left my human biology book in my room
"Dang, guys I forgot my human biology book!" I said standing up
"Wait for me out front, I'll be right back" I said racing out on the hall.

I quickly raced into my room and found the book I needed. I also grabbed another water bottle from my fridge. I walked out of my room and started heading towards the stairs when I felt someone behind me.

I turned and almost jumped out of my skin
"Oh my god! You scared me! What are you doing up here?" I asked him

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