Who's Going To London?

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All olympic hopefully for this rotation had been shipped out to the national gymnastics training facilities earlier in the week, we had a few days off to settle into our new apartments before we went for 6 in the morning to 6 at night, and that's only if we where lucky. This was going to be insane! 

Toby and I where wondering around the campus one evening the night before our intestines started

"God it's so pretty here!" I said leaning against Four as we pumped into another couple walking the other way

"oh gosh! I am so sorry!" I said turning to face the athlete

"No totally my fault. Hey Tris?" She asked me

"yeah" I said

"Payson!" I said walking over to her and giving her a hug

"I can't believe you made it!" we said at the same time before laughing.

"Kelly's the only other one that's made it this far too" She said

"We'll have to catch up then" I said to her

"between training, great!" She said to me looking behind her

"Ah Tris this is my boyfriend and coach for the boys Sasha Belov" She said to her as their men walked over to join

"Mr Beloff pleasure to meet you this is my fiancé and one of you're athletes Four" I said introducing them as they shook hands

"Hard worker?" He asked Toby

"Yes sir" he said

"I think we'll get on then" He said looking at Payson

"He really wants to say no relations with other athletes since it interferes with their training but you can't do much about that now can you?" She asked him as he looked down

"no Pay" he said to her before she laughed

"We've got to get going but I'll see you in the gym tomorrow" She said to me

"Yeah I'll be there" I said to her as we kept on walking we kept walking around before we came across our friends all laying on the grass on one of the fields

"What in the world are you lot doing?" I asked them laughing

"Watching the stars, relaxing" Said Eric

"You going to introduce us?" Asked Four as Eric and the girl leaning against him sat up

"Oh Alana this is Four and he's fiancé tris" He said looking at her

"Hi Alana" I said as Four sat down pulling me onto him. 

"I'm nervous about tomorrow" Said Chris

"You and me both!" I said to her Four wrapping he's arms around me as we laid down

That was the start of a rather intense few months, we where now 10 months out from London. Today would be the qualifiers. Four and I walked into the gym to see it filled with people. I looked over and spotted my parents. Racing off I jumped the barrier and raced over to them and Caleb hugging them tight

"You look so happy Bea" Said my mum

"I am! honestly! I was going to call but time got away from me! But Four asked me to marry him!" I said to them as my dad just smiled and nodded

"You knew!" I said to him

"Of course he knew! do you really think I wouldn't have asked your family first?" Asked Toby from behind me I turned to look at him before walking over to him hugging him over the barrier

"Thank you" I said to him as Sasha walked in along with Amar, Jacinta and Hally

"Athletes to the floor!" Yelled Amar I said goodbye to my parents and walked over to the middle of the floor.

"Clean and fair fights alright?" he asked as we nodded looking around

"girls up first boys go sit in the stands please" Said Sasha as we went to warm up. I could hear my friends and family cheer for me as I moved around the venue warming up my different skills. We some how managed to fit everyone in the one day the guys would be competing tomorrow and the team announced after that. I couldn't sleep that night and kept tossing and turning in our bed

"Tris please stop!" Said Toby as I rolled over onto him he cracked open one eye and looked at me before smiling at me

"You'll get in" He said to me pulling me close before kissing my head

"You sure?" I asked him

"Positive" He said to me before I closed my eyes and feel asleep.

"Tris Prior, Christian Wang, Payson Keeler, Kelly Parker, Haley Graham with alternative being Shuana Smith and Wei Wei Yong under the direction of Coach Beloff" Said one of the officials. My eyes went wide and looked over at Chris as we stood up next the boys

"Four, Eric Stanton, Zeke Pedra, Uriah Pedra, William Conners, Leo Cruz, Nicolas Russo with Alternative being Carter Anderson, Austin Tucker and finally Max Grayson. You'll be under the direction of Coach Amar

We all jumped up and cheered once it was announced

"Four!" I yelled jumping into he's arms

"I know! we're going to London!" He said to me before kissing me.

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