History Repeats Itself

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Meanwhile, Sofia and Hugo were resting out in the sun.

"Well, since I'm going to be here for two weeks, maybe we can train a little more later or tomorrow," said Hugo. "Do you want to go and paint butterflies with Ruby and Jade?"

"Okay," said Sofia. But just as she and Hugo were about to put their boots on, a flash of light surrounded Hugo.

"What was that?" Sofia asked.

"I don't know," said Hugo.

Suddenly, Sofia let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," Hugo said.

"Thanks," Sofia sniffled. But then she let out another sneeze.

"Are you okay?" Hugo asked.

"I think so," Sofia sniffled. "Is that perfume I smell?"

Hugo took a little whiff and realized that something smelled like perfume. "It smells like Amber's fancy new perfume again," he said.

"But Amber is nowhere in sight," Sofia pointed out. She let out another sneeze and realized something. "Hugo, do you remember when Princess Hildegard found that Wishing Emerald in the garden?" she asked.

"Yeah, why?" Hugo asked.

Sofia and Hugo realized that he smelled like Amber's Le Amour perfume.

"How did this happen?" Hugo asked.

"I don't know," Sofia said. "Maybe you should take a bath to get that smell off."

"Okay," Hugo said.

Hugo remembered having experienced this a long time ago, and he claimed that he didn't want to go through it again—unfortunately, the young prince wished he knew that history repeats itself.

Sofia and Hugo went to go and find Violet.

"Violet, are you busy?" Sofia asked with a sniffle.

"No, what can I do for you, m'lady?" Violet asked.

Sofia let out a sneeze and said, "Do you remember when Prince Hugo smelled like perfume? Well, it happened again."

"Oh, dear, the poor young prince," Violet sighed. "Well, don't you worry, m'lord. I'll bet a warm bubble bath will get the smell out."

"Thank you, Miss Violet," said Hugo.

Hugo turned to Sofia and said, "Well, Sof, while I take a bath to get this smell out, maybe you can go and play with Ruby and Jade. I can train on the obstacle course myself."

"Alright, Hugo," Sofia sniffled.

Violet took Hugo away to take a bath, and Sofia let out another sneeze.

Sofia the First: The Wishing AmethystWhere stories live. Discover now