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freak and loser,

loser and freak.

the school was in a frenzy.

as the two walked briskly down the hallways together,

people whispered,

stared and pointed.

but it was different.

people supported them.

a girl came up to them one morning just before classes started.

"you guys are really, really cute together," she said with the brightest smile.

"thanks," freak replied with a sheepish smile.

"my name is madison by the way," she introduced. "and yours are?"

"my name is elle."

"and my name is tom."

she gave a quick nod followed by a "it was nice meeting you two" and disappeared into the sea of students.

they were happy,

which was all that really mattered in the end.

people could not deny that they were in love with each other.

which is the one thing that can never be seen as freakish or loser-ish,


it was what the two were missing all along,


A/N: as i wrote this story, i began to hate it progressively. one, it had no real plot, just fluff (which i guess some people enjoy) and two, it had a happily ever after type tone. this sorta bothered me, so i was quick to end it. i wanted to rewrite the entire thing, but i decided against it. maybe i will look back on this and love it (sometimes we all need a little fluff). so yes, names is over (thank the lord up high that it is too). i hope you enjoyed it because that is all that matters. stay lovely <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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