3; Back To Old Ways

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   *Malik's POV*

  This was now a high-speed chase. Damn Man! I should've had a back up car.

King:" What Are We Gon' Do?!?!"

Me:" Shut Up, Sit Back , And Calm Your Ass."

   I ended up getting off of the freeway on the nearest exit and going down Lewellen Blvd. They were right on my fuckin' bumper! I tried swerving and dodging, but that didn't do me any good. I accidentally lost control for a minute when I wandered onto the wrong side of the road. I had to sweve in-between and around other cars. There was a 18-wheeler coming right at us.

King:" Holy Shit, Dad! MOVE!"

  He snatched the wheel and made a sharp right turn. We turned into a wide alley between a Tire Shop and a Tattoo Parlor. Thank God It Wasn't to tight, or else we wouldn't have made it. I sped down through the alleyway and up a ramp. I sped up to 90Mph and we flew off of the ramp, missing the stairs, fortunately. Once we were back on the ground, I went back to about 75Mph. There was a homeless man in the way, but I honked just in time for him to move.

Me:" Don't You Ever Touch This Wheel Again While I'm Driving!"

King:" Shit, If I Didn't We Would Be Dead And Arrested At The Same Damn Time!"

Me:" Watch Your Mouth!"

  It seemed that the walls of the alleyway were closing in on us. We didn't see the 5-0 behind us anymore. They must've stopped before we got into this damn alley. We finally made it out to the other side, without a scratch on my car. Oh Hell Yeah! I pulled into a car dealership. I rented a silver Toyota Avalon, we needed a faster and smaller car.  I got back onto the freeway, on my way back to the house.

  I never thought I'd be back to my old ways. At least so soon. I actually kinda feel dirty, handling this dirty money, but I have to do what I have to do so I can get my babygirl back. The Bank only got us $13,000 ... So We have to do a couple more jobs, man! We tiredly walked into the front door, bringing our weapons and money with us.


    *Short As Hell, Cause I'm Hungry And I Just Felt Like Writing Something For Ya !*


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