Chapter six

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Many feelings

"W-what?" I gasped, my mouth going dry. I flashed my gaze at Claire who simply rolled her sapphire eyes and punched Mason, who was smirking.

"He knows," Claire told me.

"You told him!" I almost yelled, my voice coming back.

"Not...exactly." Mason said.

"I got wet. It was an accident, but Mason saw. I tried to run out but I wasn't fast enough. I made it outside with no one seeing me thankfully, but Mason followed me, and saw me with a tail." Claire explained.

I sighed in annoyance. "You need to be more careful." I told her, my expression displaying that I was serious.

"I know I know I'm sorry, but I made it out by evaporating the guard's water. There was so much steam they couldn't see me. I was fine." She sounded like a kid trying to get out of trouble when she spoke.

I shook my head. "It's ok, but this is the second time. We need to pay attention to how serious this is. We're mermaids Claire. If anyone else finds out-"

"They won't I swear! I'll be more careful." She said apologetically, nodded her head causing her chocolate curls to bounce up and down.

Mason cleared his throat, "well if you two are done, I'm hungry. Anyone up for a midnight snack?" He asked, his body twisted back to he could look at both of us.

I pulled out my phone and was a bit shocked by the time, it was nearly 12.

I nodded. "Okay, what do you have in mind?" I asked him.

He turned around and started the car, lights coming on paired with dings and the purring engine.

"Let's just stop at McDonalds." He stated, slowly backing out of the parking lot.

Claire and I silently nodded, and she turned back to the front as well.

After I got over what I just heard, I put in my earphones and opened YouTube.

I searched "All of me by John Legend" and pressed on the first result.

As soon as I heard the words on the first verse, my heart began to race. Everything that happened with Connor suddenly filled my mind.

I felt a wave of excitement through my veins as I thought of every moment. His smile, the way we danced so naturally, his pure electric eyes.

I didn't want to sit still. I was picking at the black lace on my dress staring out the window.

I could barley see my reflection through the glass, being filtered by all the street lights blurring by, and the silver light of the moon.

I lightly touched my lips with my fingers, still being able to feel his kiss.

As soon as we pulled out of the parking lot Phoebe went to her music, so I just turned and stared out the window.

It felt so weird, with Mason. I thought about how he didn't run away from me when he saw that I was a mermaid. Why didn't he? I would've.

I was confused on why he asked me to dance, and why he comforted me outside. He kissed my forehead, I almost forgot, but why?

He doesn't like me that way. Right? He's way older than me and...and...

"Are you feeling better," he asked, startling me which caused me to jump.

I just nodded and looked out the window trying to avoid his gaze.

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