how you feel about kaname from riah_lover

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I dare yuki and zero to tell kaname how they really feel about him -riah_lover
Zero: yep ok kaname is going to kill me

Yuki:he allready knows how i feel but ok

Kaname:ok yuki first how do you feel about me

Yuki:well ever sence you saved me on that snowy night 10 years ago is when my memorys started ive loved you beacuse well at first i saw you as a scary yet gentle vampire who saved me from a level E and well youve saved me and helped me for all my life and well you turned me into a vampire wich i asked for and well ya i love you kaname sama

Kaname:i know you do yuki i love you too



Zero:(glares) do i habe to awnswer the question?

Caroline+tyler:yes you have to zero

Zero:fine i dont like kaname but i do kinda like him a bit for saveing me from turning into a level E fast but his blood slowed it down so if it wer not for him id be a level E and probaly dead

Kaname:i knew you hated me and you will hate me more when i say this yuki?

Yuki:yes kaname sama?

Kaname:im giveing you back the memory of how i am

Zero:you wouldn't dare

Kaname:*gives yuki her memory*


Zero:*eyes turn red*

Kaname:zero slowly degenerateing into a level E hmm
*bites own hand and holds it infront of zero*
Hmm you still have reatraint good to know

Yuki:ok whos hungry?

Everyone:were all hungry

Yuki:ok ill get food

Caroline:and dont forget to


Edward:comment a truth or dare

Alice:and follow

Everyone:see you next time :)

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