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I started a contest in one of my other boks and we just need 5 more followers and whoever follows me will get there name mensiond and is abel to get a charecter made and put in one of my storys randomly so follow me if you want to be in my storys COMMENT YOUR CHATECTERS STUFF FOLLOWING THIS THING BELOW IF YOU FOLLOWED ME ok im gonna copy and paste one of my charecters profiles so ya im to lazy to actuly re write it so follow me and fill this out in the comments

Name:stella (whats your charecters name)

Age:unknown(how old is your charecter)

Born:unknown(whats there birthday)

Gender:girl(boy or girl)

Struggles:being around blood and keeping eyes blue(only if your a vampire)

Hobbys:swiming talking and gameing(what does your person like to do?)

Freinds:(depending on what book your randomly put into and what your charecter likes and does and is)

Vampire (write vampire or human here)

Describe your person like hair color and eye color
i need to find a anime picture of the charecter beacuse i like anime and anime pictures are easy

If you want to be put in one of my books follow me and fill this thing out above ^

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