Future Ambitions

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should i write a smut or nah? When I was 13 I didn't even think twice about not writing one, but now that I'm much older, I'm a little more mature and I think I'll be able to take it seriously. Question is If y'all are interested in reading my first smutty fanfic hahaaaa. However the following chapter will be PG(ish)

Merida was rather upset with her family, and when she was upset, she never stayed in one place. She would run to her room and climb down her window, for she was upset so many times that they did not bother to check anymore.

And she always had 3 people to make her feel better. It was like that for all of them, they would text each other in their group chat the safe word, 'big 4,' and they would wait for that person to reply a location, and that's where they would meet. However, This conversation she knew, would only involve one other, as Hiccup and Rapunzel were incredibly busy, Rapunzel was getting a haircut and Hiccup was training for god knows what, Merida never listened to what specifically. But it was convenient, her family did not know where Jack lived, and in her opinion, it wasn't too bad of a walk, just crossing an intersection or two, but she arrived pretty quickly. Jack was always alone, the poor lad, but they could do each other the favor.

And so, Merida knocked on his front door, Jack swung it open without hesitation and Merida ran into his embrace before he offered one. Jack was rather surprised, Merida was never upset enough to find comfort in any sort of embrace. But he hugged back, as not doing so would be both rude and awkward.

"Um," He wasn't sure how to start any introduction. She didn't start ranting right away, she kind of just stood still, wrapping herself in an embrace. They had never done this sort of thing alone, they usually made trips to an ice cream shop and they ranted about their lives, but it was never sappy and affectionate, not like this. Jack wasn't sure what to do, Merida was the one he didn't quite expect to get sappy, and if he had to choose it would've been Rapunzel, she was the one usually crying. Rapunzel got sad, Hiccup got bummed, and Merida got angry. Jack couldn't tell which one he was, maybe it was irritated, confused. But that didn't matter."What happened?"

"Merida didn't move. she waited, searching for the right words to use. "I-.... I don't wanna talk about it right now." And with that, Jack let it go, and she found herself a seat on his couch in the tiny unit he lived in. Jack made her a cup of cocoa and  and she sat with it between her cold palms and he sat in front of her, waiting for her to talk. She took a sip while mentally collecting the thoughts in her head, but words wouldn't come out.

She breathed, and began choking on her tears that seemed to come out of her eyes. She shielded her face with the hair that hung over her. Jack didn't know exactly what she was doing, so he watched her awkwardly until he figured out exactly what her abnormal huffing and puffing was all about.

"Oh, Jeez Mer... don't cry..." She only cried more, and Jack began to panic, stuttering and frantically looking around the room for tissues, but failed and proceeded to sit right next to her and pull her in for another strange but comforting hug. Jack tried not to feel awkward about it. He wanted Merida to feel comfortable, and he hoped he wouldn't tense up too much for her to notice.

She clung on to his shirt pretty tightly. Thank god it was dark or else the feeling of dampness on his chest would be visible.

"Mer, what's wrong?" She sighed into the clutches of his shirt. She had to tell him something. Crying without explanation was probably more awkward than any other form of distress that Merida had usually chosen to exhibit.

"I.... I have to go to Harvard." Jack nodded in understanding, but then paused, - wait, why is this bad? Merida always got good grades, her parents were very strict about it, and she was always able to afford tutors. She was rather ambitious, you see. She didn't see why she couldn't go to Harvard, she had money and education on her side.

Jarida DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now