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The following chapter will be borderline NSFW due to sexual references, slight use of alcohol, and exotic dancing. No actual sexual encounters.

"Jack, c'mon." Eugene sighed, swiping his hair back and glancing at Jack through the mirror on the wall. Jack did not react to the call of his name, his eyes glued to his laptop screen and back against the backboard of his bed. His roommate continued. "It's been 2 months since Toothiana le-."
"1 month and 21 days." Jack was tired of him bringing it up. He knew what he was going to say long before he began talking.

"You know what you just did?" Eugene asked. Jack glanced up at him, the rest of his body unmoved. "You just made it worse for yourself."

Jack rolled his eyes and lowered his laptop screen, rubbing his hand over his face and then through his hair.

"So what?" Jack asked, a hint of anger in his voice. "What do you want me to do about it?"
"Come with us." Eugene stated. "If it doesn't help, it definitely wont make it worse." Jack did not seem to completely agree, but he closed his laptop and placed it on his bedside table, swinging his legs over the edge of his bed to stand anyway.

Eugene, in his favorite blue button up, eyed the boy in his sweats and wrinkled pacman shirt. He was getting sick of pacman. Its the only thing he saw when he looked at Jack anymore. How long had he been wearing that shirt? Eugene thought back to the day when Jack came home on the verge of tears, about 1 month and 21 days ago to be exact. He opened his closet and pulled a random shirt off of a hanger. He tossed it to Jack.

"Also, go take a shower."Jack had always found events like these distasteful,with or without a breakup to influence that.
On his way into the club, there were quite a few ads for the same performer. Scarlet was quite an enchanting stage name. The poster was quite classy, to match the club he'd been in. It didn't smell as much like plastic and sweat as the other clubs, and the music was ever so slightly more high-end. Not that he didn't like club music, but if Jack were to ever feel his nose to be higher than usual, he would probably elect to listen to this music.

Jack sat with his bottle of beer in his hand, slouched shoulders on the table. His familiar friends Hiccup, Snot-lout and Fish-legs had been there too. Had they always had weird names? Well whatever, that didn't matter.

"Hey Jack," Hiccup greeted with a smile. Jack stood up as it was appropriate and gave Hiccup a firm hug to greet him. Hiccup pulled up a chair. They all exchanged conversation and Jack had drowned it out quite quickly. He began to observe the posters again.

They were quite fancy, almost like a cheesy erotic novel cover with a magic touch to make it attractive. The silhouette of a curvy girl lied against deep red sheets.

"She'll put a spell on you." The caption was written in loopy letters along the bottom of Scarlett. Jack thought of Hocus-Pocus, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to see the red headed witch strip for him.
The lights dimmed, and claps erupted from the audience. He was aware that Scarlett had been a crowd favorite.

The stage was quite big, the upstage was quite far back. A red light appeared and illuminated the stage, a girl with dark stockings,-fishnets? No, they looked quite sheer from here,- and a magician like ensemble in the form of a leotard. She found it quite weird that she hadn't worn high heels, not that she didn't look quite attractive in strappy flats, but the girls behind her wore short pointy heels. They couldn't have been that tall if they didn't quite tower over the main girl. He was trying so hard to see her, her head down and holding a long cane.

Piano started playing. A Violin set the tone, she looked up, the crowd was pleased. She sauntered her way to the front of the stage, leaning upon the cane she stood on her tip-toes, and she raised one leg above her head slowly. Jack was amazed, the light turned blue and her hair, which was delicately tied back in seductive loops sticking out in a very neat way. looked almost purple against the light, her red blazer over let leotard a darker shade of purple, her tie and vest never falling out of place as her legs stretched. Her hat was tilted to hide her eyes,but even from here Jack could see the freckles that danced along her face.

Jarida DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now