CHAPTER 6: A Day Of Many Days

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Eponine awoke with a start; somebody had kicked her at the side. She tried to open her eyes fast, but the spell of sleep deemed stronger than she thought. A gruff voice began to speak and she immediately recognized that it belonged to a man that she loathed.

"Get up ya lil brat! The day is dawning and there is so much to be done,"

The girl opened her eyes. The world is still dark, and the damp morning chill still hung in the air. She looked down to her brother's sleeping form beside her: he looked so peaceful, she thought, if only her parents could appreciate him. Her father had left and she is expected to meet them in a couple of minutes. She gazed at him for a while then kissed his forehead. "I'll be back 'vroche" she promised "wait for me, an' we'll play as promised."

When she met the group the infamous patron-minette that her father had organized, she realized that it was only a couple of hours after midnight. It was the time when criminals move out and do their business, these so called the creatures of the night.

The youngest of its members, Montparnasse, puts an arm around Eponine. The boy is three years her senior, his hair is black as midnight and his lips is red as cherries, but underneath his charming exterior, lies a man robbed of his youth. "My charming lil Eponine, a rare flower on a rocky soil devoid of life, how are you faring?"

Eponine untangled herself from his touch. "I am well monsieur, just like any other day before today. Thank you for your concern,"

The men laughed "How distant is this girl of yours, Jondrette. Still remaining an inner cold fire within her" remarked Babet, a tall thin man who is known for his wide variety of skills.

"She'll warm up alright," the head of the group said.

"Well you'd better hurry, 'Parnasse here is getting the itch for her," Claquesous said.

"Do whatever you want with her I don't care, except for givin' 'er a bastard, I still need to preserve the talent within her..."

The men once again laughed. Eponine looked down, trying to hide her face from the view. She knew exactly what they meant. A mix of shame and anger rushes over her. She curses under her breath, hoping that her father would know her hate but at the same time praying that she would never be caught with her thoughts.


She is always on the lookout, for she could see well at night. Sometimes, she is the one sent through small cracks because of her small frame. There are times when she would run with the stolen goods, since she is the most agile of them all. It all started from her father's little requests, then, as it turns out, his daughter, Eponine is the perfect employee for his business.

"I thought ya didn't like doing these things..." Gavroche told her one afternoon when they were at the streets.

"True, I didn't." Eponine answered back.

"Well, it's better than that man hurtin' ya"

"Well he says I'm getting better, last night they asked me to be on a look out, then, when things are done, they made me run with 'Parnasse, with us stolen goods." Eponine stopped for a moment, her bright hazel eyes looking up in the heavens. "I used to dream, dear 'vroche that I wouldn't live like this... Dear 'vroche, do you remember the stories I told you when we went to bed... About a girl and her doll and the dresses she wore? Yes they were true many years ago..."

"I remember" Gavroche looked at his sister "you are she in the story..." he paused "but don't worry, you are still beautiful to me..."

"Oh Gavroche you surprise me so! Have you got a fever?! You make me happy, y'know ya do!"

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